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KI researcher Amaia Calderón-Larrañaga, Assistant Professor at the Aging Research Center (ARC), has been awarded a project grant for research within primary care from the Swedish Research Council.
Professor Carol Tishelman at the Department of learning, informatics, management and ethics and her research group have been awarded the KI Culture Award 2021 for the research project DöBra.
Last month was the half time seminar of Hang Tran Thi Thanh with the title: Clinical and experimental implementation of standardised hypothermic treatment for neonatal asphyxia in low-income settings.
Naseer Baloch at the research group Colorectal Surgery, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, will defend his thesis "Perineal healing following abdominoperineal excision for rectal and anal cancer" on December 3, 2021. Main Supervisor is Per Nilsson.
On November 24, H.M. Queen Letizia of Spain, H.M. Queen Silvia and H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital.
On 18 November 2021, the Faculty Board at Karolinska Institutet decided on the allocation of the funding for eight positions as Assistant Professor, eight positions as Senior researcher and eight Consolidator grants for researchers already employed by KI.
Hi Elisabeth Carlsson Farrelly, PhD student at the Division of Clinical Geriatrics, NVS. On December 16 you will defend your thesis ”The Stockholm Spinal Cord Uro Study”, what's the main focus of the thesis?
On 18 November 2021, the Faculty Board decided on the allocation of the funding for eight positions as Assistant Professor, eight positions as Senior researcher and eight Consolidator grants for researchers already employed by KI.
Understanding how the complex geometry of branching tissues take shape during embryonic development or the growth of any organisms has long been a fascinating subject. Neuroscientists at Karolinska Institutet, together with theoretical physicists from IST-Austria, have now combined live imaging in a zebrafish model system with analytical theory to uncover a generic design principle to predict 3D axon branching morphogenesis.
Bacteria from the digestive system seem to have the potential to cause damage to pancreatic cells, increasing the risk of malignant tumours. Now for the first time, live bacteria from cystic pancreatic lesions that are precursors to pancreatic cancer, have been analysed by researchers at Karolinska Institutet. The study, which is published in Gut Microbes, can lead to prophylactic interventions using local antibiotics.
The Breast Cancer Association's award 2021 goes to chief physician and KI professor Per Hall. He is recognized for his broad research on how breast cancer can be prevented and detected early with refined and individual methods.
Researcher and KI alumnus Ahmadreza Djalali has been awarded the 2021 Courage to Think Award, from Scholars at Risk (SAR).
KI researcher Erika Jonsson Laukka has been granted a project grant from the Swedish Research Council for her research within post-COVID syndrome.
Analysing all the proteins that exist in a tissue type (the so-called proteome) can provide vital information on the causes of diseases and how they can best be treated. We talk to Janne Lehtiö, professor at the Department of Oncology-Pathology, about proteome-based medicine and what it can contribute to personalised cancer therapy.
On November 9, 2021, the Rolf Luft Research Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology, Karolinska Institutet, was visited by the Crown Princess Victoria. Ongoing research on diabetes was presented to her and a visit to the laboratory was also included.
The gold complex auranofin has traditionally been used for treating rheumatism but is also being evaluated as a treatment for certain forms of cancer. Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden now show that other molecules that inhibit the same biological system have a more specific effect than auranofin and therefore may have greater potential as cancer therapies. The results have been published in the journal Redox Biology.
A researcher at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institutet, has received USD 200 000 for a project aiming to assess the effect of partial re-programming by the transient expression of the Yamanaka factors to rejuvenate the immune system to extend lifespan and health span.
Her research focuses on hereditary brain diseases and, among other things, cluster headache, an extremely painful disease which comes in attacks. It is not known what causes the disease, and so far, there are no effective treatments.
Line Gordon and Tobias Alfvén participated in Nobel Calling Stockholm 2021 with a lecture arranged by Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm Resilience Center at Stockholm University. Focusing on the United Nations Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)'s latest report, the current state of knowledge about climate and environmental change and how this affects the world's children was summarized and discussed.
Catarina Almqvist Malmros, pediatrician at Astrid Lindgren's Childrens Hospital and professor at Karolinska Institutet, receives a research prize from the Swedish Society of Medicine's section Swedish Association for Allergology.
The Swedish Research Council awarded a grant at the department of dental medicine to support a project for the development of innovative approach to the management of periodontitis.
Are you interested in recruiting a bioinformatician or biostatistician? The centre for bioinformatics and biostatistics (CBB) is coordinating recruitments with possibility to make joint employments.
Audience: Medarbetare
Mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi, Laboratoriemedicin, Klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik, Universitetstandvården, Medicin, Huddinge, Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, Odontologi, Klinisk neurovetenskap, Kvinnors och barns hälsa, Onkologi-Patologi, Global folkhälsa, Molekylär medicin och kirurgi, Medicin, Solna, Kliniska vetenskaper, Danderyds sjukhus, Komparativ Medicin, Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, Lärande, Informatik, Management och Etik, Fysiologi och farmakologi, INCF, Neurovetenskap, Cell- och molekylärbiologi
Biofabrication and Tissue Engineering (Biofab) is a new core facility at Biomedicum, Karolinska Institutet.
The risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in women who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 is likely lower than several earlier studies have suggested, a national study of all pregnant Swedish women tested for SARS-CoV-2 between March 2020 and January 2021 reports. The study, published in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and led by researchers at Karolinska Institutet, shows that the association varies widely depending on the routines used for testing pregnant women.
A protein that protects cells from DNA damage, p53, is activated during gene editing using the CRISPR technique. Consequently, cells with mutated p53 have a survival advantage, which can cause cancer. Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have found new links between CRISPR, p53 and other cancer genes that could prevent the accumulation of mutated cells without compromising the gene scissors’ effectiveness. The study, published in Cancer Research, can contribute to tomorrow’s precision medicine.
Socioeconomic factors affect the risk of cardiovascular disease and the chances of recovery. New research from Karolinska Institutet interrogates the significance of socioeconomic factors for sudden out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The study, which is published in Circulation, shows that education and income impact survival rates in both men and women.
Fourteen researchers connected to Karolinska Institutet are on the 2021 list of highly cited researchers presented by Clarivate, the company behind Web of Science. In all, the list includes some 6,600 researchers from across the globe.
Six researchers at FyFa have been granted project funds from the Swedish research council to the amount of 22 million SEK.
Federico Iovino, Assistant Professor and group leader at the Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, has been recognised "World Expert" in the field "Streptococcus pneumoniae” by Expertscape, a website that objectively ranks physicans, researchers and institutions by their expertise in more than 29,000 biomedical topics.
After an 18-month hiatus due to the pandemic, the doors to KI's conferment ceremony at Stockholm City Hall could finally be reopened. Not only one – but two nights in a row – the organizers Akademiska arranged ceremonies held to celebrate all new doctors who have defended their doctoral thesis in the autumn 2019 and spring 2020 along with honorary doctors and jubilee doctors.
Medicinska Föreningen (MF) in Stockholm is the largest student union at Karolinska Institutet. Every year MF awards a teacher with the award Mäster, to someone who has been teaching for an extended period of time, in an inspirational and pedagogical way or who initiated and implemented lasting improvements in the education. This year the award goes to Ellinor Kenne. It's the first time in a long time that someone at FyFa receives this award, and with the large amount of teaching that the departm
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet, Umeå University, and the University of Bonn have identified a new group of molecules that have an antibacterial effect against many antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Since the properties of the molecules can easily be altered chemically, the hope is to develop new, effective antibiotics with few side effects. The findings have been published in the scientific journal PNAS.
Lingjia Yin is a Doctoral student at the Department of Global Public Health (GPH) and we have asked her a few questions about her experience and what she enjoys the most at GPH.
Audience: Medarbetare
Global folkhälsa, Stålsby Lundborg
KI's researchers are awarded 491 100 000 SEK in research grants from the Swedish Research Council (VR grant). Yajun Liang receives 2 400 000 SEK for her life-course study on cardiovascular diseases.
Back to the office
Both students and employees are starting to be back at Campus again, and we have asked Helle Mölsted Alvesson how it feels to be back at the office at the Department of Global Public Health.
Audience: Medarbetare
Global folkhälsa, Stålsby Lundborg, Hanson
The Swedish Research Council grants 14 research projects at KI for their research about postcovid. A total of SEK 50 million is granted, of which SEK 33,800,000 is awarded to nine research projects at Karolinska Institutet.
The Union World Conference on Lung Health is the world’s largest gathering of clinicians and public health workers, health programme managers, policymakers, researchers and advocates working to end the suffering caused by lung disease, with a focus specifically on the challenges faced by low-and lower-middle income populations. This year the conference took place virtually from 19 October to 22 October, 2021.
The COP26 agreement keeps the 1.5C goal alive and for the first time mentions the role of fossil fuels. The climate transition is about the future of humankind, but medical researchers say it can also have immediate health benefits here and now.
The experience of the rapid transition to distance learning during the pandemic has been evaluated in a new report. Here are opinions from both teachers and students which will now be used to further develop teaching methods.
On 31 October, the 13-day UN climate summit COP26 began with the aim of accelerating measures to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Climate Convention. Shervin Shahnavaz, member of the climate network at KI, has in recent weeks focused intensely on climate issues as a result of the meeting.
Four researchers at the Aging Research Center (ARC) have been granted project grants from the Swedish Research Council. Marc Guitart-Masip, Davide Liborio Vetrano and Weili Xu are awarded funding for projects in the field of Medicine and Health category, and Grégoria Kalpouzos for a project in the field of humanities and social sciences.
There is a correlation between the ability to understand complex syntax and the fine-motor skills required for manipulating tools. In a new study published in the journal Science, researchers at Karolinska Institutet and the French research institute Inserm show that the same cluster of neurons in the brain are involved in both skills. The study also shows that training with a tool improves language skills and vice versa.
This year's Skillbridge Student Case Challenge was decided in early October and in the winning team, Team Delta, was KI student Ala Abdallah.
Hello Gonçalo Castelo Branco, newly appointed Professor of Glial Cell Biology at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics. Tell us, what is your research all about?
Pancreatic cancer forms in the cells of the pancreas, an organ in the abdomen that releases enzymes that aid digestion and produces hormones that help manage our blood sugar levels. Pancreatic cancer is a rare disease with poor survival – it causes some 466 000 deaths internationally per year. The number of cases is increasing and the prognosis is that this disease will become the 8th most common cause of cancer deaths by 2040.
“I really want my research to contribute to low and middle income countries”, Susanne Guidetti said when giving her professor lecture on October 22.
Maria Kowalski-Jahn and Hannes Schihada, two postdocs in the Schulte laboratory, have used a novel technology of fluorescently labelling receptors with a minimally invasive technique and detecting structural rearrangements in a receptor molecule in living cells. These experiments pinpointed how FZDs respond to WNT stimulation by conformational changes in the extracellular domain of the receptor.
Five researchers active at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institutet, have received grants from the Swedish Research Council.
The current pandemic shows how quickly health misinformation can spread. However, there are tools to debunk misinformation as demonstrated by a new study on health communication strategies from Karolinska Institutet, published in the journal BMJ Global Health. The study, which focuses on misinformation about typhoid in Sierra Leone, also shows that explicitly addressing falsehoods seems more effective in busting misbeliefs than simply stating scientific facts.
One of three finalists, Ulrica Nilsson, professor of nursing at NVS, wins the prize for RAPP – an app for digital integrated people-centered care.
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