KI and Huddinge municipality sign a collaboration agreement with focus on sustainability

Karolinska Institutet signs an agreement on collaboration with Huddinge municipality – the focus will be on equity in health and prevention, for a healthy life. On Tuesday, October 25, KI's President Ole Petter Ottersen and Huddinge municipality’s Director Camilla Broo signed the agreement.
Both parties are key actors striving to realize the Agenda 2030 and its sustainable development goals: to attain equity in health and high level of health.
“Collaboration with Huddinge municipality means that our work will reach out to the residents. KI's research, education and innovation cannot be conducted behind closed doors, but in collaboration with other actors in society. Through this collaboration, KI becomes active in the development of society at the local level for the good of the residents of the municipality,” says Ole Petter Ottersen, President of KI.
Education is another important area where collaboration will take place: skills supply, skills development and education quality.
“The proximity to the academies in Flemingsberg is a fantastic strength for Huddinge municipality, which gives us unique opportunities for close collaboration with the universities, university colleges and the growing Life Science sector. The purpose is to contribute to securing the municipality's supply of skills and continuing professional development for the future and I am extremely pleased that we now have an agreement in place with KI,” says Camilla Broo, Director of Huddinge municipality.

The demand for expertise in, for example, elderly care is significant, and there is a strong common interest among both parties to develop opportunities for work placements (verksamhetsförlagd utbildning).
“I am very happy and proud of this overall agreement with Huddinge municipality and
see many opportunities for collaboration in both research and education in this part of Stockholm County,” says Maria Eriksdotter, dean of Campus South.