The magazine Medicinsk Vetenskap
Medicinsk Vetenskap is a magazine in Swedish published by Karolinska Institutet for people keen to find out the latest developments in medical science. The latest issue of the English edition was published 2018.
Brief facts about Medicinsk Vetenskap
The Swedish magazine Medicinsk Vetenskap is Karolinska Institutet's popular science journal. Here you can read comprehensible texts about current medical research and meet the researchers at Karolinska Institutet. The target group is the medically interested public. The magazine has subscribers and is sold in well-stocked Press Agencies all over the country and is available on the digital magazine site Readly. The magazine also reaches the media, politicians, financiers and patient organizations and more and can be ordered by teachers throughout the country. All employees, students and alumni affiliated with Karolinska Institutet also receive the magazine. The circulation is 21,700.
Medicinsk Vetenskap is in Swedish. Previously, an English-language collective edition of last year's best articles in Medical Science was published, Medical Science. The latest issue of Medical Science was published 2018 and the English edition is since then replaced by an English brochure.
English brochure about Karolinska Institutet