New thesis on improved vascular disease therapy selection and follow-up

Andrew Buckler at the research group Vascular Surgery, the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, will defend his thesis "Linking quantitative radiology to molecular mechanism for improved vascular disease therapy selection and follow-up" on October 21, 2022. Main Supervisor is Ulf Hedin.

What's the main focus of your thesis?
Our work here starts from the premise that it is possible to provide a richer analysis of plaque biology from non-invasive imaging that can help tailor therapeutic decision-making for individual patients suffering from cardiovascular disease.
Which are the most important results?
The most important results are the ability to stratify risk and determine statistically significant identification of the relative contribution of several druggable pathways that may reduce that risk.
How can this new knowledge contribute to the improvement of people’s health?
Using these techniques can improve the targeting of treatments, increasing the confidence in providing therapy to individuals based on their biology rather than only by population statistics.
What are your future ambitions?
This work supports my efforts to bring improved diagnostics to medical practice by commercializing breakthrough medical software products through Elucid Bioimaging, a company I have founded for this purpose.