FyFa researchers awarded the KID funding

The Committee for doctoral education has in the 2022 KID call, decided to award KID funding to a total of 65 grants. Four of these grants go to active researchers within the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology (FyFa).
The purpose of KID is to contribute to doctoral education of the highest international standards by supporting promising doctoral projects with long-term financing. KID funding for 2022 has been awarded to 65 grants, of which four of these go to researchers at FyFa: Sophie Erhardt, Johanna Lanner, Erik Norberg, and Camilla Svensson. The KID funding is allocated based on quality to promote good supervision, a good doctoral education environment, and competence in research.

"The allocation of the four grants to FyFa goes to well-established researchers and underlines the high quality that is conducted at our department. The KID projects cover many different topics in physiology and pharmacology, ranging from identifying molecular mechanisms and factors that drive muscle weakness, pain and lung cancer to developing new pharmacological substances for the treatment of schizophrenia and cognitive dysfunction. An important person for us researchers at FyFa is our research coordinator Roelinde Middelveld, whose task is to both identify grant sources and to support our researchers in the application process," says Professor and Head of Department Sophie Erhardt.
KID funding is awarded to FyFa researchers:
Sophie Erhardt for the project: ”Utvecklande av enzymhämmare för behandling av schizofreni och kognitiv dysfunktion”.
Johanna Lanner for the project: ”Identifiera molekylära mekanismer som pådriver muskelsvaghet vid kronisk inflammation”.
Erik Norberg for the project: ”Human Lung Cancer Evolution ‐ Identifiering av Faktorer som Driver Sjukdomsutveckling samt Heterogeneitet”.
Camilla Svensson for the project: ”Perifera mekanismer kopplade till smärta i fibromyalgi”-