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Margareta Wilhelm at MTC was awarded a highly competitive Senior Research position from the Board of Research at Karolinska Institutet. She will receive 1.2 million SEK per year over five years to be used for salary.
Four out of eight grants awarded to Karolinska Institutet from the Swedish Research Council within the area of Humanities and Social sciences was given to researchers at the Division of Aging Research Center (ARC) at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS).
Pneumococci are the most common cause of respiratory tract infections, such as otitis and sinusitis, as well as of severe infections like pneumonia and meningitis. A new study from Karolinska Institutet published in Nature Microbiology shows how the bacteria can inhibit immune cell reaction and survive inside cells to give rise to pneumonia.
Professor Juleen R. Zierath and Maléne E. Lindholm are the recipients of two prestigious awards presented at the 17th International Biochemistry of Exercise Conference (IBEC) which took place between October 23-25, 2018, in Beijing, China.
A total of 8 projects received funding from FORTE's call for Research on the quality, organization and processes of welfare 2018. Two of the projects are conducted at the Medical Management Centre, with the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics.
Grants to MTC 2018
Grants awarded to researchers at the Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell biology during 2018.
We congratulate Ljubica Perisic Matic from the group Vascular Surgery who is awarded the Sven and Ebba-Christina Hagberg Prize 2018. She is awarded the prize for her studies concerning molecular mechanisms of smooth muscle cell function in atherosclerosis.
The project “Let the patient drive! Implementing patient-driven co-care innovations” is awarded 14,4 MSEK over a period of three years, with the possibility to receive an equal amount for three additional years.
Mats Hallgren, assistant professor at the Department of Public Health Sciences, is one of the authors of the meta-review of existing research that resulted in new guidelines issued from the European Psychiatric Association (EPA), to promote exercise as an additional treatment for severe mental health conditions.
Daniel Berglind, researcher at the Department of Public Health Sciences, is awarded 600,000 kronor SEK from ALF Project Funding Medicine for the project 'Effects on quality of life and physical activity: a randomized post-surgery dissonance-based intervention for obese women treated by Roux-en-Y gastric bypass'.
Gilad Silberberg listens to individual nerve cells (neurons) in order to understand the fundamental principles of their complex communication. His research focuses above all on the basal ganglia and how they form the fundamental link between sensory perception and motor function.
Many people carry resistant bacteria in their gut, but relatively few get sick. Christian Giske is conducting research into the reason for this – who is at risk of becoming ill and how can the refractory bacteria be attacked?
Maria Eriksson has discovered the gene that causes premature ageing in children. She is now researching the general genetic causes of ageing and has shown, amongst other things, that our stem cells gather more mutations during our lives than previously known.
Findings about the causal relationship between heart failure and problems in the heart’s relaxation phase are relatively new. Lars Lund is conducting research into the underlying mechanisms of diastolic heart failure and how it can be treated.
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