Published: 21-11-2019 13:23 | Updated: 05-12-2019 15:58

Program team for "Patient in the driver's seat" meet Dana Lewis to discuss co-created research

The program team for "Patient in the driver's seat" met with Dana Lewis, a passionate advocate of patient-centered, patient-driven and patient designed research, to discuss co-created research.

Dana Lewis (centre) with Cajsa Helin Holmstrand (left) and Kim Nordlund (right) from Unga Reumatiker (The Swedish National Organization for Young Rheumatics ).

Dana Lewis, who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 14, is the creator of the “Do-It-Yourself Pancreas System” (#DIYPS), founder of the open source artificial pancreas system movement (#OpenAPS), and a passionate advocate of patient-centered, patient-driven, and patient-designed research.

The program team for Patient in the driver's seat met with Dana on 20 November.