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Henrik Wagner, at the group Growth and Metabolism, will defend his thesis "Factors potentially influencing pathogenetic mechanisms and hyperglycemia in pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes : clinical studies in human" on November 11, 2016. Main supervisor is Associate Professor Michael Alvarsson.
Previous experiments have raised concerns that general anaesthetics and surgery for infants increases the risk of learning difficulties and sub-standard school performance. New research presented in the international journal JAMA Pediatrics now suggests that these fears are unwarranted.
Last Thursday (27 October), the Swedish Research Council announced the grants it will be awarding in the category of medicine and health. The total sum is almost SEK 980 million, of which KI researchers will receive SEK 524,325,017.
Professor Carol Tishelman has just received the 2016 Lifetime Achievement Award from the European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) for a lifetime commitment to cancer prevention.
The research group SOLIID at the Medical Management Centre (MMC) at the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics has been awarded a research grant from Vinnova for a project presenting new approaches to support innovative development in large healthcare organizations.
Jan Albert is featured on Sveriges Radio in a program about the spread of HIV in the 1970s.
New thesis on thrombosis
Professor Per-Olof Berggren has been appointed Distinguished Professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy.
Professor Hans Hertz at KTH (as main applicant) and Professor Marie Arsenian Henriksson at MTC and Professor Muhammet Toprak at KTH (as co-applicants) have received a grant for 33 090 000 SEK from The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The grant is for their project entitled ”Molecular X-Ray Micro Imaging” and will cover a five year period.
Per-Olof Berggren, Professor of Experimental Endocrinology at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, has been elected as member of the National Academy of Medicine, NAM.
Maria Albin researches how the environments in which we work and live affect our health. She is particularly interested in issues relating to sustainability – what work content and employment conditions are needed for people to continue enjoying what they do.
To understand the interaction between virulent organisms and the immune system, we need to know what the proteins involved actually look like – that is, what three-dimensional structures they have. This is the objective of Adnane Achour’s research, his main objects of interest being the immune system’s T cells and the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Mikael Karlsson, Professor of Immunology at the Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, researches the regulation of the immune system and why it sometimes becomes disrupted, leading to disease. He is particularly interested in B cells and macrophages. His research adds to knowledge of autoimmune diseases and is also related to cancer.
Tomas Jernberg researches differences between groups of heart attack patients and is particularly interested in those with reduced kidney function – a group that has a worse prognosis and that has been particularly neglected by science.
Anna Färnert is Professor of Infectious Medicine, especially Tropical Medicine at the Department of Medicine, Solna. Her research is about malaria, above all how the immune system’s response to the disease is affected by different factors. She has shown, for example, that immunity disappears much more quickly than previously thought and that repeated infections by different strains are important for the immune system to protect against the disease.
The idea that type 1 diabetes is caused by a virus is an old hypothesis that has recently been revived. Malin Flodström Tullberg is Professor of Type 1 Diabetes at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge and her research is about the link between enteroviruses and type 1 diabetes. She also hopes to be able to contribute to a new enterovirus vaccine.
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