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Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have found further evidence for how the Epstein-Barr virus can trigger multiple sclerosis or drive disease progression. A study published in Science Advances shows that some individuals have antibodies against the virus that mistakenly attack a protein in the brain and spinal cord.
The European University of Brain and Technology, NeurotechEU, of which Karolinska Institutet is one of nine partners, is pleased to announce the availability of ten competitive funds for short-term travel for faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows, students and/or trainees between the partner institutions to plan or conduct collaborative projects.
Anna Falk at the research group Thoracic Surgery, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, will defend her thesis "Depression and delirium in cardiac surgery patients" on May 26th, 2023. Main Supervisor is Malin Stenman.
An important meeting was held on 11 May in Aula Medica for the KI-Region Stockholm management group. It turned out to be a packed strategy day that focused on common issues facing the group, including the work following on from the recently released Swedish Research Council audit, conducted under the ALF evaluation.
On May 12 more than 850 people gathered at Stockholm City Hall to celebrate Karolinska Institutet’s 152 new doctors and honorary doctors Wilhelmina Hoffman and Fredrik Lundberg.
Global Disaster Medicine - Health Needs and Response at KI was represented in several ways at this year’s WADEM (the World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine) congress, including with presentations and posters displaying new research conducted by the group.
Juliet Mwanga-Amumpaire is a paediatrician and Associate Professor of paediatrics at Mbarara University with over ten years of experience conducting clinical research. She is currently the director of Epicentre Mbarara Research Centre run by Médecins Sans Frontières that conducts health related research aiming to guide policy for stakeholders in health. She recently pursued her PhD where she studied the quality of care at private health facilities in Uganda.
New findings on how a subset of immune cells in the brain is involved in the establishment of a neuronal system controlling cognition.
Biobank Sweden has teamed up with the Swedish regions and the National Pandemic Centre (NPC) at Karolinska Institutet to produce a new process that gives researchers access to 1.5 million COVID-19 samples. The samples are stored at the NPC and researchers applying to use them must first seek ethical approval.
The third installment in the seminar series KI Contributes explored the health crises created by war and armed conflict, through the medium of visual art. An Armenian artist and a Swedish surgeon shared their experiences of war and how humans live through it and try to make sense of their difficult experiences.
350 cardamom buns awaited KI’s students as they gathered for a coffee and chat with the new president Annika Östman Wernerson, who had arranged the informal meeting with the student unions to encourage a closer dialogue with the university management.
Karolinska Institutet has decided to award Johan Hartman and Mattias Rantalainen the 2023 Prize for Innovation and Utilization. They are rewarded for improving cancer diagnostics with innovative research and inspiring working methods.
Between 13 and 19 March 2023, neuroscientists around the world took the initiative to spread the word about the importance of brain science as part of the "Brain Awareness Week". The Strategic Neuroscience Research Network (StratNeuro) at Karolinska Institutet took the opportunity to initiate a recurring outreach event to spark enthusiasm and raise awareness for neuroscience research, which was also part of the global campaign.
Researchers from Karolinska Institutet and Sachs’ Children and Youth Hospital have mapped the immune system in the gut of children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The results, which were published in Cell Reports Medicine, can be used to design more targeted therapies.
The Strategic Research Program in epidemiology (SFOepi) at Karolinska Institutet now announces funding for three different types of grants; Consolidator Grant for junior researchers, Junior Scholar Grants in Epidemiology or Biostatistics and small grants.
Audience: Medarbetare
Medicinsk epidemiologi och biostatistik, Medicin, Solna, Global folkhälsa, Neurovetenskap
The first article based on the most recent SWEOLD data collection entitled “Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Swedish adults aged 77 years and older: Age differences in lifestyle changes”, has recently been published in the Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
Alone, remotely, in the middle of a pandemic – this is how life in the Brussels office of the University Alliance Stockholm Trio began for the EU veteran Dan Andrée. It went at half-speed at first, but now, two and half years later, the office in the EU’s political cradle is bursting with activities.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and the likelihood of surviving the disease is higher if the cancer is detected early and the tumour is relatively small and not very aggressive.
As part of the Swedish presidency of the EU's Council of Ministers, the health ministers of EU countries were invited to an informal meeting in Stockholm on the 4th and 5th of May. The meting concerned issues of preparedness and securing access to innovative and established medicines.
Associate Professor Charlotte Rolny, Associate Professor Ola Larsson and PhD Margarita Bartish has published a Perspective article in Nature Reviews Cancer. Perspective articles provide a forum for opinionated discussions of a field or topic, as well as describing historical foundations and influences, emerging research trends and techniques, and ethical, legal and societal issues.
Researchers at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology (FyFa) is awarded the SSMF (Svenska Sällskapet för medicinsk forskning) Postdoctoral Grant of SEK 3 million for three years.
Sons of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have a twofold increased risk to develop obesity, according to a study published in Cell Reports Medicine. According to the researchers from Karolinska Institutet the findings highlight a previously unknown risk of passing PCOS-related health problems across generations through the male side of a family

Are international field hospitals always needed? And do we always need to send medicines to disaster-stricken areas? These were two myths that Johan von Schreeb discussed in his keynote when EU’s health ministers gathered in Stockholm.
Professor Magnus Ingelman-Sundberg has been awarded an ERC Proof of Concept Grant, which is aimed at researchers who have previously been funded by the European Research Council and now want to explore the innovation potential of their previous project. The grant will be used to further develop a hepatic model for liver disease and identify potential new drugs and drug targets.
An American donor has given USD 3 million to Karolinska Institutet and researcher Erik Berglund, who works at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery and the Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology. The free donation will go towards Dr. Berglund’s specialist fields in transplantation, autoimmunity, and cancer.
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital have together with health economists at Linköping University analyzed costs for various methods to diagnose genetic causes of intellectual disability. The study, published in Scientific Reports, shows that the costs when using whole genome sequencing as a first-line diagnostic test were lower compared to chromosomal microarray analysis.
Several KI researchers at the department of Global public Health, are part of an international project that has been awarded 3.7 million Euros. The funding comes from the EU Horizon scheme to help young people aged 12-15 improve their mental health and reduce their risk of chronic illnesses.
Natalie Lundin at the Orthopaedics research group, the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, will defend her thesis "Pelvic fractures : epidemiology and treatment" on May 12th, 2023.
Main Supervisor is Anders Enocson.
Karolinska Institutets former President Ole Petter Ottersen has received two nice recognitions: the 2023 Friend of Stockholm's students award from the Stockholm Federation of Student Unions (SSCO) and the "Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star" from the Japanese government. Sten Lindahl, former professor at Karolinska Institutet, is also recognized with the Japanese order in the class "Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon."
Terese Stenfors and Lena Engqvist Boman are awarded the 2023 prize in recognition of their many years of contribution to excellent educational leadership in KI's educational activities. The prize will be officially awarded at KI’s installation ceremony, which is to be held in Aula Medica in October 2023.
On 21 March 2023, researchers from several universities around the country, the Swedish Agency for Health and Care Services Analysis and Region Jönköping, gathered at Karolinska Institutet in Solna for a symposium on person-centred and integrated care for older people. Moreover, keynote speakers from the UK and Australia set the scene on the topics of person-centred and integrated care.
When Rebecca Furaha was looking for programmes that could help her improve maternity care in Congo-Kinshasa, she found what she was looking for at KI. Now she runs collaborative projects to increase knowledge about sexual and reproductive health among the country’s young people.
The Karolinska Institutet University Board (konsistoriet) has gained two new members: director Sarah McPhee and Professor Emeritus Jan Nilsson. The decision was made by the government on 27 April in its appointment procedures for chairpersons and other external board members for 30 state higher education institutions. Their term office will run from 1 May 2023 to 30 September 2024.
The government’s decision to shorten the term of office for new board members for the country’s higher education institutions has sparked critical reactions from the sector. Annika Östman Wernerson, president of Karolinska Institutet, shares their concerns.
KI Housing is now a part of KI instead of being an independent company owned by KI Holding AB. Within the KI organization, the Housing office can now be found under the Property Management Unit at the Property and Facilities Office. Due to the transition, KI Housing has new contact details:
Why is it that certain mammals have an exceptional sense of smell, some hibernate, and yet others, including humans, are predisposed to disease? In a major international research project where researchers at Karolinska Institutet participated, has surveyed and analysed the genomes of 240 different mammals. The results, now published in 11 articles in the journal Science, shows which regions have important functions in mammals.
The KI Housing office is closed on Monday, May 1, due to Public holidays. If you have any urgent maintenance issues when the office is closed, we ask you to use the on-call service for your area.
On April 26 it has been seven years since Ahmadreza Djalali, a Swedish citizen who received his PhD in disaster medicine at Karolinska Institutet, was arrested during a visit in Iran. Karolinska Institutet and The Human Rights Committee of Sweden’s Scientific and Literary Academies now urge in an open letter to Sweden’s prime minister, foreign minister and education minister to try all means possible to ensure the release of Djalali.
The European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) Rising Star Award honours two Early Career Scientists annually, whose research in applied and translational neuroscience has the potential to advance the science, treatment and prevention of brain disorders.
Janica Kallonen at the research group Thoracic Surgery, the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, defended her thesis "Long-term follow-up after surgery for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension" on May 5th, 2023.
Main Supervisor: Ulrik Sartipy.
Routine diagnostic analyses of mutations in cell-free DNA in patients with metastatic prostate cancer are now possible for the first time in Sweden. The test has been developed by researchers at Karolinska Institutet, and Karolinska University Hospital is now offering the analysis to hospitals around the Nordic region, giving more patients with certain gene mutations access to the cancer treatment they need.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women and many women are being treated to prevent the cancer from returning, for example with adjuvant hormone therapy. This therapy is prescribed as a once-a-day pill for estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer patients (around 80% of all cases) for a duration of at least five years.
Antti Siika at the Vascular Surgery research group, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, will defend his thesis "Biomechanical and Morphological Aspects of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Growth and Rupture" on April 28th, 2023.

Main Supervisor is Joy Roy.
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have mapped how cells in the human spinal cord are formed in the embryo and what genes control the process. Their findings can give rise to new knowledge on how injury to and diseases of the spinal cord arise and how they can be treated. The study has been published in the journal Nature Neuroscience.
Kristina Jonsson and Lina Jonnerhag both work as teaching assistants at the Division of Physiotherapy, besides being active second year students at the Study Programme in Physiotherapy. With the help of assistants, teachers get great support in teaching large classes, often between 40 – 80 students.
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have investigated how preterm birth and foetal growth are related to the risk of atrial fibrillation up to middle-age. The study, which is published in JAMA Pediatrics, shows that being born preterm or large for gestational age was associated with increased risks of atrial fibrillation later in life. Being small for gestational age at birth was only associated with an increased risk of atrial fibrillation up to the age of 18.
The risk of developing lymphoma is slightly elevated in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and has increased in recent years in patients with Crohn’s disease, report researchers from Karolinska Institutet in a study published in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. The researchers could see a risk increase in patients taking modern IBD drugs and, less so, in patients not on such drugs, indicating that the lymphoma risk could be affected by both the medication and the disease activity itself.
The 5D Heart Patch Project, led by Prof Kenneth Chien, has identified human ventricular progenitor (HVP) cells that can create self-assembling heart grafts in vivo. The research has the potential to offer hope to millions of people suffering from heart failure.
A hitherto unknown mechanism for DNA folding is described in a study in Nature published by researchers from Karolinska Institutet and the Max Planck Institute for Biophysics. Their findings provide new insights into chromosomal processes that are vital to both normal development and to prevent disease.
Close on 500 colleagues in the cancer field from Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet gathered in Aula Medica during this year’s Karolinska CCC conference on 30–31 March. Also attending were Sahlgrenska CCC and Skåne CCC.
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