Survey results develop equal opportunities for KI students

In autumn 2022, KI students had the opportunity to answer a survey about their experiences of and risks of discrimination and harassment. The results point to the need for more knowledge and active measures linked to lack of accessibility, discrimination and harassment in the study environment. This applies in particular to ethnicity and gender in connection with On-site training (VFU/VIL). KI is now working to strengthen its work with equal opportunities for all students.
“The results from the survey give KI clear areas to work on further. At KI there is zero tolerance towards all forms of discrimination and violations, therefore we take the results seriously,” says Ewa Ehrenborg, Academic Vice President for education at first and second level.
When reviewing the results, a number of risk areas emerged in relation to partly KI's zero tolerance towards discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and abusive differential treatment, partly in relation to the requirement for active measures in the Swedish Discrimination Act.
These identified risk areas are:
- KI's general work with the promotion of equal conditions work
- parenthood in combination with studies
- lack of accessibility
- discrimination/harassment in relation to ethnicity, skin colour and gender
- unwanted sexual attention
- reporting of vulnerability
Students who identify as a minority linked to ethnic affiliation (including skin colour), students with disabilities, female students and students who did not want to state their gender report vulnerability to a higher degree than other respondents according to the survey answers. Discrimination and harassment are stated to occur primarily because of ethnicity, gender, age, disability and sexual orientation. However, all the grounds for discrimination (incl. socio-economic background) are included as a basis for both discrimination and harassment among the answers. Students with children find it difficult to combine parenthood and studies at KI.
The survey was developed in collaboration with a reference group where students and teachers and education managers were represented and was sent to all registered program students from semester 2 at KI, in both Swedish and English. A total of 645 students answered the survey. 96 of the respondents have experienced discrimination, 90 responded that they have experienced harassment, and 18 responded that they have experienced sexual harassment at KI during the last 12 months.

Distribution and the work ahead
The analysis of the survey has been compiled in a report and is now widely distributed at KI. The report gives recommendations on future priority areas in KI's work to prevent and counter discrimination in accordance with the Discrimination Act.
“The report is now distributed to the student unions, departments, and programmes. It is important that we have an active dialogue between students and teachers about how we work with inclusion. As a result of the report, we are also taking several measures in the work with equal opportunities,” says Ewa Ehrenborg.
In KI's Strategy 2030, equal rights and a good study environment are highlighted as prerequisites for good quality in education. KI today works preventively with equal opportunities and has routines in place to receive reports, read more about this on the page Who can you contact.
As a result of the report, KI plans, among other things, to clarify and spread support to departments and programs, especially focusing on VFU/VIL. The survey is planned to become a permanent and recurring element in KI's cohesive quality system.
Download and read the report below.
Read the report
Equal opportunities for students
- KI has zero tolerance towards discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, reprisals and offensive treatment. Read more about equal opportunities for students.
- KI must work preventively against discrimination linked to all seven grounds of discrimination: Gender, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation, age. KI must also work with inclusion linked to social background.