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Two researchers at Karolinska Institutet are awarded the Strategic Mobility Grant from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF). The aim of the SSF mobility programme is to increase exchange between Swedish universities and industry by funding researchers’ work with a project managed by the other part.
Jakob Wikström at KI is one of this year’s three Wallenberg Clinical Fellows. The purpose of the program is to encourage clinical research by Swedish physicians. The funding is for three years and is provided by the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation.
This year's silver medals are awarded to senior professors Lena von Koch and Björn Klinge. The medal is awarded to a person who has made excellent efforts to support the activities of Karolinska Institutet. The medals are awarded in conjunction with the ceremony for Diligence and Devotion.
As part of the EU Horizon 2020 funded project IMPACT TB, a policy dialogue was held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Knut Lönnroth, Kristi Sidney Annerstedt, Kerri Viney and Olivia Biermann of the Department of Global Public Health are involved in IMPACT TB.
Professor Christina Dalman from the EPiCSS Research Group participated in round-table discussions on current research on mental illness at the Ministry of Social Affairs on 20 November.
What do KI researchers Alicja Wolk, Peter Stenvinkel, and Magnus Ingelman-Sundberg have in common with historical super-celebrities such as Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein? They are all on the highly cited researchers list of h-index 100 or more in Google Scholar.

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet and from the Netherlands have developed a simple tool that shows the survival probability of a person with dementia disease over three years. This, they hope, will facilitate dialogue with the most seriously affected and help doctors and others plan the necessary care. The study is published today in the scientific journal Neurology.
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have developed a new method for identifying which proteins are affected by specific drugs. The tool and the results it has already generated have been made freely available online. The method is described in the scientific journal Nature Communications.
Tuberculosis is the world’s leading infectious killer. An estimated 3 million people with TB are never diagnosed and treated. To find those “missing” millions with TB, one strategy is to do active case-finding, also known as systematic community-based TB screening. A review published in BMJ Open explores the antecedents, components and influencing factors for active case-finding policy development and implementation.
Per Nilsson, at the Division of Neurogeriatrics, NVS, receives 1 000 000 SEK in grants from Torsten Söderberg's Foundation.
On the 29th of November 2019 the annual event ”Silvia Master Academy Day” took place. During a full day, Silvia Doctors, Silvia Occupational therapists and Silvia Physiotherapists with a master’s degree in dementia care from KI, met at the Silviahemmet foundation. The purpose is to share experiences, gain new knowledge and network.
The Deutsche Tinnitus Stiftung Charité has announced the creation of “The Research Prize in Tinnitus and Hearing”, awarded to outstanding achievements in the research areas covering causes, early detection and therapy of tinnitus and hearing damage.
Researchers from Karolinska Institutet participate in capacity building projects fincanced by Erasmus+
Four researchers at Karolinska Institutet have been granted a total of SEK 28 million in additional funding from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW). Two of these researchers are also promoted from Wallenberg Academy Fellows (WAF) to Wallenberg Scholars.
When Nobel prize winner Michael Kremer initially looked at the data of his now famous 1990s Kenya school study, he felt shocked and disappointed. The data showed that more textbooks did nothing to improve educational outcomes, contrary to what most researchers believed. But rather than succumbing to disillusionment, Kremer dug deeper into Kenya’s schooling system to uncover what measures truly did make an impact and found his answer: targeted help for weak students.
KI researcher Thomas Gustafsson, professor at the Department of Laboratory Medicine / Division of Clinical Physiology and Stefan Arver, Associate Professor at the Department of Medicine and Chief Physician at ANOVA Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge, are responsible for a study examining changes in muscle mass, muscle composition and strength in transgender persons during hormone treatment.
In three brilliant Nobel Lectures, the laureates describe how research into the systems cells use to deal with hypoxia can lead to improved treatments for anaemia, vascular atrophy and cancer.
Myriam Aouadi and Camilla Svensson have been awarded the European Research Council’s Consolidator grant 2019 for research on the role of macrophages in liver disease and how autoantibodies contribute to chronic pain, respectively.
During 1–6 of December 2019, Maria Eriksdotter, Dean at KI South, participated in a state visit to India together with the King and Queen of Sweden. The programme of the visit focused on sustainable innovation and ageing.
Patients with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) often suffer from type 2 diabetes. This phenomenon has since long remained mechanistically enigmatic. Now, researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have identified a molecular mechanism linking these two diseases. The study is published in the scientific journal PNAS.
Women who have C-sections are no more likely to have children who develop obesity than women who give birth naturally, according to a large study by researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden published in the journal PLOS Medicine. The findings contradict several smaller studies that did find an association between C-section deliveries and offspring obesity but did not consider the numerous maternal and prenatal factors that the researchers did in this study.
KI researcher Marta Roczniewska has received funding from FORTE for her project "Job crafting interventions − what is required for employees to be able to design and redesign their work?"
On Friday December 18, Elisa Longinetti will defend her thesis "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis associated neuroinflammation: nationwide epidemiological studies on etiology, comorbidities, and treatment"
Hi, there Melody Almroth, doctoral student at the Department of Global Public Health at Karolinska Institutet. On Friday 6 December you will defend your thesis. Tell us, what is your thesis about?
On the 27 November, the Centre for Tuberculosis Research held a seminar for doctoral students and post docs working on tuberculosis at Karolinska Institutet.
Daughters of women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) are five times more likely to be diagnosed with PCOS as adults, and the generational transmission is driven by high androgen levels during pregnancy, researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden report. Their results, which are based on register-based and clinical studies as well as transgenerational animal studies, are published in Nature Medicine.
Six of the 29 new Wallenberg Academy Fellows appointed in 2019 will conduct their groundbreaking research at Karolinska Institutet. The five-year grant is financed by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation to provide the young and talented researcher leaders with long-term research funding in Sweden.
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have developed an online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) programme for the difficult-to-treat pain syndrome fibromyalgia. In her doctoral thesis, Maria Hedman-Lagerlöf shows that patients who receive the treatment experience fewer symptoms and enjoy better quality of life.
There is a strong correlation between high blood pressure in patients in the emergency room and an increased risk of future cardiovascular disease, researchers from Karolinska Institutet report in a large registry study published in the journal Hypertension. Their conclusion is that blood-pressure measurements in the emergency room can be used as a tool for reducing morbidity and mortality rates through early preventive intervention.
Older people can improve their lifestyle and adopt healthier behaviours with the support of an online coach. This can help improve risk factors related to cardiovascular disease and dementia. An international group of researchers, including the Division of Clinical Geriatrics and Aging Research Center at the Center for Alzheimer Research, has reported these findings today in The Lancet Digital Health.
Researchers have long known that some genes can cause cancer when overactive, but exactly what happens inside the cell nucleus when the cancer grows has so far remained enigmatic. Now, researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have found a new mechanism that renders one canonical driver of cancer overactive. The findings, published in Nature Genetics, create conditions for brand new strategies to fight cancer.
To inaugurate the research project "Refugees' Health Integration - ReHIN", a kick-off was organised on 5 November 2019, at Karolinska Institutet, including stakeholders that represented non-governmental organizations (NGOs), policymakers, governmental organizations and researchers in the field.
Twin Research and Human Genetics has just published an overview article of the Swedish Twin Registry (STR). The registry has developed into an infrastructure of broad utility, aiming to provide a resource for epidemiological and molecular studies of twins.
A collaboration between Professor Per-Olof Berggren from the group Signal Transduction and researchers in the Republic of Korea has led to the development of a soft, smart contact lens to monitor the intraocular pressure and applied it for noninvasive monitoring in association with the intraocular islet transplantation in diabetes.
Nearly 90 students participated in this year's edition of the EIT Health Innovation Day, which was held at the Karolinska Institutet on November 15. The task was to develop a product that solves a problem for a patient with multiple sclerosis.
Hi Mozhu Ding, PhD-student at the Division of Aging Research Center. On December 12 you will defend your thesis ”The role of atrial fibrillation in cognitive aging: A population-based study”, what's the main focus of the thesis?
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have developed a new method to separate between two different types of a common herpes virus (HHV-6) that has been linked to multiple sclerosis. By analyzing antibodies in the blood against the most divergent proteins of herpesvirus 6A and 6B, the researchers were able to show that MS-patients carry the herpesvirus 6A to a greater extent than healthy individuals. The findings, published in Frontiers in Immunology, point to a role for HHV-6A in MS development.
Recently discovered immune cells called MAIT cells play a key role in group A streptococcal toxic shock, researchers at Karolinska Institutet report. The results, which are published in the journal PNAS, have potential implications for the diagnosis and treatment of this life-threatening condition.
Nicola Orsini, associate professor of medical statistics at the Department of Global Public Health , is one of the researchers at KI that qualify for the annual list of highly cited researchers compiled by Web of Science.
Two SRP Diabetes researchers will take part in this unique show to explore science through music, improvisation and art. The event takes place on November 24 and is organized by researchers from Karolinska Institutet.
The program team for "Patient in the driver's seat" met with Dana Lewis, a passionate advocate of patient-centered, patient-driven and patient designed research, to discuss co-created research.
Inducing labor after 41 instead of 42 full weeks of pregnancy appears to be safer in terms of perinatal survival, according to new research from the University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska and Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. The current study is expected to provide a key piece of evidence for upcoming decisions in maternity care.
Pregnant women with eating disorders should undergo extended pregnancy screenings considering their increased risk of complications. That is the conclusion from a study by researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry. The researchers were, for example, able to show that children to mothers with eating disorders had an increased risk of premature birth and being born with a small head circumference.
Two SRP Diabetes researchers will take part in a unique show to explore science through music, improvisation and art. The event takes place on November 24 and is organized by researchers from Karolinska Institutet.
On Friday December 6, 2019 Cecilia Radkiewicz defended her thesis "Sex differences in cancer risk and survival".
From Januari 1, 2020 SLL will charge KI employees using the gym facility in Norrbacka.
Audience: Medarbetare
Twelve researchers at Karolinska Institutet qualify for the annual list of highly cited researchers compiled by Web of Science.
On 1 December the Department of Public Health Sciences will change name to the Department of Global Public Health to clarify the department’s work with global issues.
Audience: Medarbetare
Karolinska Institutet strengthens its position in two recently published rankings of universities worldwide.
KI's internationalisation work was presented at the Internationalisation Days in Gothenburg November 5-6.
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