Published: 01-01-2021 08:00 | Updated: 17-02-2025 09:47

Pedagogical plan will make KI pedagogically creative and innovative

The Unit for Teaching and Learning (TL) has been commissioned to lead the project to develop an educational plan for KI. Carl Savage and Teresa Sörö are part of the project team that is currently formulating a joint starting point on learning at KI.

What will the project lead to?

Carl Savage
Carl Savage. Photo: Private.

- The pedagogical plan should be a roadmap for how KI can become a university that is characterized by pedagogical innovation and that explores new forms of learning and work, in accordance with KI's Strategy 2030, says Carl Savage.

- We have seen four areas that the pedagogical plan should touch on: areas of competence for teaching staff, learning organization based on education and in collaboration with the environment, psychological safety, and sustainability - teaching and research create a long-term perspective in healthcare.

What do you find particularly exciting in this project?

Teresa Sörö. Photo: Erik Cronberg.

- This is an incredibly important work where the strength of what we create comes from creating it together, with various stakeholders who are directly or indirectly affected by the pedagogical plan, says Teresa Sörö.

When will the pedagogical plan be in place?

- The goal is to present an initial proposal for an pedagogical plan for KU (Committee for Higher Education) and KFU (Committee for Doctoral Education) this spring, including an implementation plan.

An educational plan will then be presented to KU and KFU in October, together with proposals for implementation and development activities, says Carl.

What's the next step?

- We will continuously organize workshops with different groups to jointly create the pedagogical plan. In April we gather both student representatives, and PD/GUA, says Teresa. Furthermore, there will be representatives from Region Stockholm and of course those who teach at KI.

Give us your input

If you have your own experiences and thoughts about KI's pedagogical development, it is very valuable for us to take part of them. Let us know!

Teresa Sörö,

Maria Watter, operations manager a Unit for Teaching and Learning is also a part of the project team.