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Elisabeth Stener-Victorin has been promoted Professor in Reproductive Physiology at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet from November 1, 2017.
Science becomes art
On the 31 October the exhibition The Invisible Body opened at Sven-Harry’s Art Museum in Stockholm. A number of researchers at KI are represented by pictures from their own research.
In a recent publication in Molecular Human Reproduction, researchers at OnkPat could identify the specific proteome profiling of mouse ovarian follicles at three different developmental stages. To do that, the researchers isolated the follicles and cultured them in vitro. This is the first protein mapping of ovarian follicles ever published.
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have identified an evolutionarily preserved scent molecule in mammalian blood that attracts predators and repels prey. In the study, published in Scientific Reports, they also report that humans exposed to the smell become stressed and react to it as if they were prey.
Mattias Carlström, associate professor at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology at Karolinska Institutet, has been awarded the Prince Daniel research grant to promising young researchers of SEK 6 million from the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation.
In the autumn of 2017, the STR received 5-year supporting funding of 4.5 million kr per year from the Swedish Research Council for research infrastructures of national importance.
To understand the cellular dialogue taking place on the cell surface – that is Gunnar Schulte’s ambition. More specifically, he is interested in how so-called Class Frizzled receptors work. The goal is to provide the foundation for new treatments of diseases that are linked to these receptors, such as various types of cancer and fibrosis.
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