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Congratulations Assistant professor Nicola Crosetto, whose project” Integrated VISualization of Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity” was funded with 33 million SEK by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research!
Three researchers at Karolinska Institutet have been awarded the ERC Advanced Grant 2016 from the European Research Council. The three researchers who receive this prestigious award are Kenneth Chien, Patrik Ernfors, and Magnus Ingelman-Sundberg.
[This article has been revised] On 21 March 2017 the paper “Experimental orthotopic transplantation of a tissue-engineered oesophagus in rats”, published in Nature Communications, was retracted by the authors due to technical flaws in the article that was discovered in an investigation.

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet collaborating in the large-scale Karolinska Schizophrenia Project are taking an integrative approach to unravel the disease mechanisms of schizophrenia. In the very first results now presented in the prestigious scientific journal Molecular Psychiatry, the researchers show that patients with schizophrenia have lower levels of the vital neurotransmitter GABA as well as changes in the brain’s immune cells.
Researchers at OnkPat together with Italian researchers review recent studies on the acidic tumor environment and how this affects tumor growth and therapeutic efficacy.
Researchers at OnkPat have found that breast cancer stem cells are dependent on a certain estrogen receptor to survive. The findings, which are presented in Journal of the National Cancer Institute opens up for new treatment strategies for breast cancer.
Researchers have been able to demonstrate the hereditary nature of certain forms of tinnitus. Bilateral tinnitus – that is, tinnitus in both ears – has been shown to depend on genetic factors, particularly in men. The twin study, which is published in the journal Genetics in Medicine, was conducted by researchers at Karolinska Institutet together with colleagues from GENYO in Granada, Spain, as part of the European research network TINNET.
2016 saw a dramatic increase in the number of cases of misconduct in research, says Jörgen Svidén, Administrative Director at the Central Ethical Review Board (CEPN). Many cases concerned Karolinska Institutet and Paolo Macchiarini’s research.
When researcher and oncologist Peter Strang writes textbooks, he does so with a certain distance: everything is based on fact. Writing a novel requires a different kind of presence, such as for example trying to imagine what it is like to have been diagnosed with cancer and to be a patient.