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To kick off the new academic year, the Global Child Health and Sustainable Development Goals team met at Carlshälls Gård on Långholmen for our annual retreat. The day started with inspiring presentations by Mariam Claeson and Hang Tran, followed by group discussions and team building excercises. After lunch att Carlshälls restaurant, the day ended with a kayaking tour around Långholmen.
Deep grief has both mental and physical health consequences for the sufferer that can take decades to heal. People can even die of grief. It is therefore important to try to alleviate the effects of severe grief, something that we in Sweden aren’t particularly good at.
Karolinska Institutet has signed a collaboration agreement with the European research infrastructure EBRAINS, which offers digital tools and services for research into the brain. The purpose of this agreement is to give KI's researchers access to new digital technology and state-of-the-art resources, as well as the opportunity to contribute to the further development of the area of neuroscience within the EU.
Research at Karolinska Institutet in collaboration with the Swedish Armed Forces and NATO could lead to more people surviving gun violence and provide answers on how to stop severe bleeding.
“Dementia from Cell to Society is a new course developed by KI together with Stiftelsen Silviahemmet. It is the first course of its kind to give a multi-professional perspective on dementia, and an opportunity to understand oral health and communicative function from different views”, said KI President Ole Petter Ottersen in his speech at the diploma ceremony at the Drottningholms Slottsteater.
The autumn semester is in full swing and once again Karolinska Institutet's campuses are full of life. The two student unions, Medicinska Föreningen and Odontologiska Föreningen are excited to be able to meet students again.
Regular exercise helps prevent and delay the development of type 2 diabetes and its complications. Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have, together with a team of international scientists, discovered that activation of the immune system in skeletal muscle during exercise may underlie the difference in how individuals with type 2 diabetes perceive and respond to exercise. These findings are published in the journal Science Advances.
Infections in pregnant women have been linked to an increased risk of neurodevelopmental conditions, such as autism, in the child later in life. But it does not seem to be the infections themselves that cause autism, researchers from Karolinska Institutet show in a study published in The Lancet Psychiatry.
The University Board (Konsistoriet) held an extraordinary meeting Tuesday on the recruitment of Karolinska Institutet’s new president. The shortlisted candidates – Professor Annika Östman Wernerson (KI) and Professor Eva Tiensuu Janson (Uppsala University) – will now be interviewed by the Consultative College.
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet shows in a new study that genome sequencing is a sensitive first-line test to diagnose individuals with intellectual disability. These findings are published in Genetics in Medicine, the official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, ACMG.
Sweden initially chose a different disease prevention and control path during the pandemic than many other European countries. In June 2020, the Swedish Government established a national Commission to examine the management of COVID-19 in Sweden. In a review, Professor Jonas F Ludvigsson summarizes and comments on the findings of the commission inquiry. The review is published in Acta Paediatrica.
A new study published in The Lancet shows that medical abortion can be carried out both safely and effectively via telemedicine, without a routine ultrasound examination. The study, which is a collaboration between researchers at Karolinska Institutet and the University of Cape Town in South Africa, highlights the opportunities to provide safe and effective abortion services in low-resource settings.
In a recently published article in the journal Trends in Microbiology, author Alberto J. Martin-Rodriguez, Senior Research Specialist at the Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology at Karolinska Institutet, explains how he found that distinct bacterial strains selectively use respiration for surface colonization.
Adam Williamson at Karolinska Institutet has received a European Research Council Proof of Concept (ERC PoC) 2022 grant, which is aimed at researchers who already have funding from the ERC and want to further develop the innovative potential of their discoveries.
In a new publication in Nature communications, Martin Rottenberg and Ruining Liu, professor and PhD student at the Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cellbiology, explains how T cell protection against Tuberculosis is controlled by their oxygen responses.
Carin Lennartsson, Director and researcher at the Aging Research Center (ARC), a collaboration between Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet, is interviewed in KI's podcast Medicinvetarna #100, where the topic is about 100-year-olds.
Research on new methods of treating weapon-related injuries is being conducted at Karolinska Institutet in collaboration with the Swedish Armed Forces and NATO. The goal: To reduce the risk of serious injury and death.
Having a baby at an early age is fraught with risk. Advice from other teenagers can be one way of increasing the use of contraceptives amongst refugee girls in Uganda.
Magnus Ingelman-Sundberg at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology is awarded with the R.T. Williams Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award 2022. In recognition of his outstanding scientific contributions in the field of drug research.
A master thesis supervised by the Division of Transplantation Surgery was named Highly Commended in the Medical Science category at The Global Undergraduate Awards 2022
In a recent study researchers from Karolinska Institutet, among others, have characterised the new omicron variant BA.2.75, comparing its ability to evade antibodies against current and previous variants. The study, published in the journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases, suggests that BA.2.75 is not more resistant to antibodies than the currently dominating BA.5, which is positive news.
The fall term of 2022 started 29 August and most of the accepted students have arrived in Stockholm. We are very happy to see new international students on campus!
Audience: Medarbetare
Global folkhälsa, Utbildning
Honoring the renowned Swedish diabetes scientist Rolf Luft, SRP Diabetes wishes to support the most excellent younger Principal Investigators (consolidator level) in the field of diabetes and metabolism at Karolinska Institutet to obtain critical instrumentation for their research.
Deadline to apply: October 1
Audience: Medarbetare
Medicin, Huddinge, Klinisk forskning och utbildning, Södersjukhuset, Klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik, Fysiologi och farmakologi, Cell- och molekylärbiologi
Congratulations to Professor Jan Zedenius who has been elected President of the International Association of Endocrine Surgeons, IAES. IAES is an integrated society of the International Society of Surgery ISS/SIC and the inauguration ceremony was held at the International Surgical Week in Vienna on August 16, 2022.
Hi Therese Johansson, PhD-student at the Division of Nursing. On September 9 you will defend your thesis ”A 'new public health' perspective on building competence for end-of-life care and communication : how death literacy can be developed and measured”, what's the main focus of the thesis?
People with long-term neuropathic pain took significantly fewer sick days from work after treatment with spinal cord stimulation, according to a study by researchers at Karolinska Institutet published in the journal PAIN. The findings suggest that the treatment has the potential to increase life quality for chronic pain patients and reduce costs to society, the researchers say.
Using a novel 3D imaging technology, researchers at Karolinska Institutet, among others, have been able to comprehensively characterize a part of the brain that shows perhaps the earliest accumulation of tau protein, an important biomarker for the development of Alzheimer's disease. The results, published in the journal Acta Neuropathologica, may make it possible in the future to have a more precise neuropathological diagnosis of the Alzheimer’s disease spectrum at a very early stage.
Ulrica Nilsson is a professor in nursing at NVS, and a specialist nurse in anesthesiology. She also currently serves as deputy director of doctoral education at the department. Ulrica is proud and honored to have been elected to the prestigious organization.
Esophageal cancer is the seventh most common cancer world-wide and a lethal malignancy causing a considerably high number of deaths. There is currently no promising method for prevention, early detection, or screening of esophageal cancer so most patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage, which is associated with a poor prognosis.
Prof. Kevin Eva is awarded the 2022 Karolinska Institutet Prize for Research in Medical Education (KIPRIME). Prof. Eva is Associate Director and Senior Scientist in the Centre for Health Education Scholarship, and Professor and Director of Educational Research and Scholarship in the Department of Medicine, at the University of British Columbia. He is also Editor-in-Chief of the journal Medical Education.
Bacterial meningitis is a life-threatening infectious disease of the brain that leaves many survivors with long-lasting neurological impairments. Now, researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden show in a study on rats that the brain’s tool for waste clearance, the glymphatic system, malfunctions during bacterial meningitis, causing a buildup of toxic garbage that damages brain cells. The findings are published in the journal mBio.
On 24 August 1922, the pioneering photographer and KI community member Lennart Nilsson (1922-2017) was born. Just in time for his 100th birthday, the retrospective exhibition of his photographic work "Med blick för det stora i det lilla – Lennart Nilsson 100 år" opened at Sergelgatans Konsthall in Stockholm, organised by Jan Broman, founder of Fotografiska Museet, Per Lydmar and Vasakronan.
Many participated in KI:s introduction week for new students, which was the first one to take place in person since COVID-19. Meet some of KI:s new students and read about why they chose to study at KI, and what they though about the introduction to their new University so far.
The national MEG lab at Karolinska Institutet is already the only lab in Sweden with equipment to measure neuronal brain activity in real time across the entire brain. Now, a new sensor-system upgrade to its technical equipment will make the lab an international leader in the field.
Karolinska Institutet (KI) has been assigned the task of hosting the national node for data-driven life science in precision medicine and diagnostics. By developing and providing support and optimal conditions, the aim is to drive research in this area forwards regionally, nationally and internationally.
New study from researchers at Karolinska Institutet published in Science Advances show that inactivation of a protein complex that controls gene repression leads to loss of neuronal identity of dopamine-producing cells and to motor symptoms typical of Parkinson's disease.
A new immunological treatment against hepatitis B and D viruses, both of which can cause liver cancer, shows promising results in animal models. Results from the treatment, which is being developed by researchers at Karolinska Institutet, have been published in the journal Gut.
Women with a breast cancer diagnosis undergoing procedures for fertility preservation are not at increased risk of recurrence of the disease or disease-specific mortality. This has been shown in a study by Karolinska Institutet that followed the participants for five years on average. The results, published in the journal JAMA Oncology, could in the future provide safety and new hope to women who want to preserve their fertility after cancer treatment with chemotherapy.
The remains of a famous Sami woman have been identified amongst Karolinska Institutet’s anatomical collections. Representatives from the medical history and heritage department visited Malå on friday the 19:th of August to present the findings and initiate a repatriation process.
This year, the Swedish Brain Foundation (Hjärnfonden) is awarding SEK 105.3 million in research grants spread over 99 projects. Karolinska Institutet receives 40 of these, eight of which go to NVS.
KI researchers Niklas Mejhert and Zhichao Zhou are among the 4 European grantees receiving 5 million DKK each for 5 years from the European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD)/Novo Nordisk Future Leaders Award program in 2022.
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet are developing a coronavirus vaccine designed to be less sensitive to mutations and equipped for future strains. The vaccine showed promising results in mice in a newly published study in EMBO Molecular Medicine, and the researchers now hope to be able to take it to safety studies on humans.
Use of hazardous preservatives in chemical products has increased dramatically in the years 1995–2018. Several of these are potent skin sensitizers and may cause lifelong allergy that affects work ability and quality of life. A new study from the Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM) draws attention to the need for action for protection of human health and the environment.
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet present new findings about alcohol consumption reduced by training. The three related papers, published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence, report findings from the randomized controlled trial, FitForChange.
A new study published in Cell Chemical Biology describes an alternative approach to treat diabetes by identifying drugs directly increasing the number of incretin-expressing cells. The work results from researchers at Karolinska Institutet.
Children who suffer a relapse of the aggressive cancer known as neuroblastoma have small chances of survival. However, a group including researchers at Karolinska Institutet have now shown that DHODH blockers, which are well-tolerated in humans, can cure neuroblastoma in mice if administered in combination with chemotherapy. The study, published in the journal JCI Insight, paves the way for clinical trials of this combination therapy.
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet and the University of Bristol have investigated the relationship between mode of delivery and sexual well-being several years after childbirth. The study, published in the journal BJOG, showed no difference in sexual frequency or sexual satisfaction in women who were delivered vaginally or by caesarean section.
We are delighted to announce that Olle Ljungqvist has been awarded the prestigious international ISS/SIC Prize 2022 from the Société Internationale de Chirurgie.
Svenska Läkaresällskapet (The Swedish Medical Society, SLS) has decided to award Professor Jonas F Ludvigsson at Karolinska Institutet with the society's prestigious Jubilee Award. The prize winner is awarded SEK 150,000 and the SLS century medal in silver.
The remains of a famous Sami woman have been identified amongst Karolinska Institutet’s anatomical collections. Representatives from the medical history and heritage department visited Malå on friday the 19:th of August to present the findings and initiate a repatriation process.
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