Empowering higher education support services with sustainable and inclusive practices
The SiiUss project (Sustainability, Inclusiveness, Integration for University Support Services), is a collaborative initiative between Karolinska Institutet and the University of the Philippines Diliman. The project introduces the SiiUss course, a learning platform designed to enhance professional development and foster sustainability, inclusiveness, and integration within university support services. The course just started with participants from both universities.

The SiiUss course, recently commenced with a successful introductory hybrid meeting on 12 May. The project aims to empower support service staff to embrace an international perspective while integrating key principles of sustainability and inclusiveness into their daily work. During this first meeting the participants, facilitators, and project team members had the opportunity to meet, discuss expectations and understand the goals of the course.
International tandems
During the course, the participants from both Karolinska Institutet and the University of the Philippines Diliman are paired in online international tandems, creating a dynamic virtual mobility experience. This collaboration enables knowledge sharing and promotes intercultural understanding and networking opportunities within the SiiUss community.
About the course
Structured to run from May to November 2023, the course is divided into monthly modules covering a range of essential topics. These modules delve into areas such as internationalisation, understanding the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), creating inclusive campuses, enhancing intercultural communication, and cultivating global citizenship
As the course progresses, participants engage in a reflective approach, relating the module topics to their day-to-day work and sharing their insights within the international SiiUss community.
An inclusive campus
The culmination of the SiiUss course lies in the final module, where participants are tasked with applying their newfound knowledge to create practical solutions within their respective daily tasks. By identifying their sphere of influence, participants will develop comprehensive plans to implement sustainable and inclusive practices, and as a result, create positive change towards a more inclusive campus.