Overview of active lifestyle-related research conducted by Karolinska Institutet

Research Network 'KI Lifestyle4Health' collaborates with the University Library to create KI authors- MeSH terms networks.
Lifestyle-related research
In order to provide an overview of active lifestyle-related research conducted by Karolinska Institutet, 'KI Lifestyle4Health' collaborated with the bibliometrics group at the university library to create KI authors- MeSH terms networks.
MeSH Term Networks
MeSH Term Networks are visual representations of the connections between Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms and researchers. These networks are based on a Pubmed search query that focuses on lifestyle-related publications by KI researchers over the past five years.
The networks show the most active researchers investigating lifestyle-related topics and their collaborative interactions.
The initial network displays the links between researchers who have published a minimum of 41 articles, and MeSH terms that have been featured in at least 67 publications, which were identified by our search query for lifestyle-related research at KI.
The subsequent network features connections between researchers who have published at least 28 articles.
How can they help?
Connections between authors and terms are only presented if they have at least four publications. These networks serve as an overview of lifestyle-related research at Karolinska Institutet and can help identify potential experts or collaborators.
Acknowledgement: MeSH-terms shown are from MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.