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On March 21, the Archive and registry unit will give an open lecture in English on registration and archiving of public documents.
Audience: Medarbetare
Reykjavik University (the Institute for Biomedical and Neural Engineering) provides Masters students and PhD candidates in neuroscientific disciplines, bioengineering, clinical or neuro psychology, data science, and neurobiological sciences, with an opportunity to participate in a summer school (on site) during May 28th - 30th 2024. Last day of application March 8. If questions and/or interested contact Mia Bjerke.
Audience: Medarbetare
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have found that spiders have a special trick to make their silk strong, by using a natural biocompatible molecular enhancer. By using the same secret the researchers are able to create biomimetic spider-silk fibers in a non-toxic way.
Karolinska Institutet has decided to award honorary doctorates to Ashley Moffett, professor emerita at the University of Cambridge, UK, and Peter Thelin, chair of the Swedish Brain Fund, for their important contributions to science and KI, respectively. The formal ceremony will take place at the conferment ceremony in Stockholm City Hall on 26 April.
The Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery and the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Kragujevac in Serbia has now formalized a multi-year cooperation by signing a Memorandum of Understanding.
Umeå professor Oliver Billker is awarded the Medicine Doctor Axel Hirsch prize 2024 for his outstanding research in the field of malaria.
People with type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of stroke and a worsened outcome after suffering from it. Now, researchers at the Karolinska Institutet have shown that stroke outcome is significantly improved in mice with obesity and type 2 diabetes who have been treated with the commonly used diabetic drugs SGLT-2 inhibitors. The results are published in the scientific journal Cardiovascular Diabetology and may have clinical relevance for stroke rehabilitation in type 2 diabetes.
The government has decided to appoint Sophia Hober as chairman of KI's board effective 1 February 2024. She replaces Göran Stiernstedt, who becomes chairman of Karolinska University Hospital's board.
In a study published in Nature Communications, KI researchers have revealed a fascinating discovery that could be important in cancer treatments. This new insight involves c-MYC, a protein component that is central to cancer development.
A decision taken on 20 February has given KI its first language policy, which will provide guidance on general matters relating to language and its use for all Karolinska Institutet employees.
Audience: Medarbetare
A recent study by researchers from Karolinska Institutet and Uppsala University has found that cognitive impairment varies significantly among individuals with newly diagnosed psychosis.
KI bachelor, master’s and doctoral students of KI within the fields of biomedicine and life sciences are invited to apply to the 7th International BonnBrain³ Conference hosted by the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, in collaboration with the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior – caesar.
Audience: Medarbetare
In 2024, the scholarship recipients Emma Hagström Molin and Anna Svensson, funded by the Catarina and Sven Hagströmer Foundation, will be working as embedded researchers at the Hagströmer Library at KI.
Audience: Medarbetare
Hagströmerbiblioteket, Medicinens historia och kulturarv
In the beginning of 2024 we, the Department of Medicine Solna (MedS), asked the library to generate bibliometric data, as one approach to gauge our scientific activity and contribution to knowledge production.
Audience: Medarbetare
Medicin, Solna
An updated edition of the book "Essential Guide to Blood Coagulation" will be released during the fall of 2024. The first edition of the book was published in Swedish in 1997. Since 2010, the book has been published in English and it has become a valued source of quick information about coagulation conditions, investigation and treatment. The book is now being renewed as new investigation and treatment options have been added.
Karolinska Institutet is to be an engine driving the realisation of Sweden’s potential in the field of life science. As an important step in this direction, Professor Anna Martling has been appointed Scientific Director Life Science at KI. Professor Martling has spent the past three years leading KI’s efforts to implement precision medicine in healthcare, a remit that is now being expanded to cover KI’s overall work in life science.
On Thursday 22 February, the award "För nit och redlighet i rikets tjänst ("Zealous and Devoted Service of the Kingdom") for 2023 was presented at the Swedish Society of Medicine. A total of 30 employees at KI were recognized for their long and impeccable service. During the ceremony, Gunnar Nilsson and John Skår, recipients of KI's Silver Medal 2023, were also honoured.
Audience: Medarbetare
Congratulations to the three researchers at the Department of Laboratory Medicine (Labmed) who have been allocated Faculty Funded Career Positions and Consolidator grants.
Audience: Medarbetare
Amaia Calderón-Larrañaga has been awarded the SFOepi consolidator bridging grant for the project entitled "Multimorbidity and kidney function in old age: longitudinal trajectories and synergistic effects". The amount granted is SEK 3,600,000 for the period 2023-2025.
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have discovered a link between a rare and severe form of psoriatic arthritis and an enzyme that produces oxygen radicals. The study, published in the journal EMBO Molecular Medicine, opens up new ways to slow down or stop the disease progression.
Welcome to an inspiring discussion about planetary health, what is happening at KI in this field, and how you can get involved.
March 7, at 12:15 - 13:00 via Zoom.
Audience: Medarbetare
Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle
Two researchers at Karolinska Institutet have been awarded grants from the PolyBio Research Foundation totalling USD 1.85 million dollars (SEK 19 million) for research into long COVID. It is hoped that the studies will provide valuable insights that can promote the development of more efficacious treatments for long COVID, which is still a puzzling condition.
The Pohjola prize it is one of the three major medical awards given out in Finland. This year the 20,000 euro award is received by Professor Mats Brommels, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME) for his significant work for the development of medicine and health service systems in Finland.
Current calls, week 8, 2024
Tips from Grants Office regarding current calls
Audience: Medarbetare
CLINTEC and Heart lab. will move lab/staff/PI:s to floor 7 in the end of week 8/beginning of week 9.

The administration of BioNut has moved to temporary locations on floor 8. The KI president and the Neo manager will also move to temporary places on floor 8 in the end of February. In April, when floor 8 has been rebuilt and MedH administrative staff has moved in, a final move will take place.
Audience: Medarbetare
Can you stop a bleed?
The increase in gun violence and Sweden's changing security situation has prompted researcher Mattias Günther and his team to reorient their research. In episode #140 of KI's podcast Medicinvetarna, he tells us how to reduce deaths from severe bleeding - and how best to protect yourself.
The internal investigation into the freezer malfunction at Neo on 22 December is expected to deliver its report in early March. A priority concern for the investigative teams has been ascertaining both the immediate and the underlying technical, organisational and other causes of the incident in which the automatic refilling of the cryo tanks with liquid nitrogen was interrupted, causing the temperature in 16 of the 19 tanks to rise and destroying decades of biological material.
Audience: Medarbetare
The organisation Students for Sustainable Development (SSD) is run by KI students who are passionate about environmental and sustainability issues. The group organizes everything from seminars and workshops to clothing exchange days and movie nights.
A new publication in Nature Communications from researchers at Karolinska Institutet solves a long-standing problem by establishing a system that allows site-specific protein degradation within mitochondria, the cellular hubs for energy production and metabolism.
Once again, a computer has been stolen on our premises, therefore here is another reminder not to let unauthorized persons in. Do
when a door doesn't lock or if you see suspicious activity. We all need to work together.
Audience: Medarbetare
Universitetstandvården, Odontologi
Simone Tambaro, Senior Research Specialist at the Division of Neurogeriatrics, receives approximately SEK 2 million (198 319 US dollar) in research grant from Alzheimer’s Association.
High-dose pressurized oxygen can stress out old immune cells, leaving behind a younger, better functioning immune system. It helped with acute COVID, and now Anders Kjellberg is testing the method for post-covid as well.
Hello new staff #15
We are happy to introduce new colleagues at the Department of Laboratory Medicine. Welcome everyone!
Audience: Medarbetare
Our warm congratulations to docent Ida Goliath, adjunct senior lecturer in the research group of Lars E. Eriksson at the Department of Nursing and investigator at the Stockholm Gerontology Research Center!
Hi Theofanis Tsevis, doctoral student at the Division of Clinical Geriatrics. On February 23 you will defend your thesis ”Alcohol consumption and cognition”. What is the main focus of the thesis?
Andreas Eklund is the new HR administrator and substitute for Ellinor Lind during her parental leave. We took the opportunity to ask Andreas a few questions.
Audience: Medarbetare
A new study from Karolinska Institutet discovered that blocking the MYC tumor protein in kidney cancer cells leads to an increase in fat droplets, which are associated with tumor growth. The study provides crucial knowledge for identifying new therapeutic targets for treating this aggressive form of cancer.
The American Dental Society of Sweden, ADSS, was founded at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm on April 3, 1913 as an association for Swedish dentists trained in the United States. At the time, it was relatively common to travel across the Atlantic to become a dentist.
Audience: Medarbetare
Universitetstandvården, Odontologi
On February 1-2, 2024 the group leaders and team leaders at MedH and BioNut met at Yasuragi to get to know each other, network and discuss future research projects. All in all, the days were filled with lively discussions and great commitment from the participants.
Audience: Medarbetare
Medicin, Huddinge
The adoption of the hybrid work model in the KI administration led to better health and less stress for the staff, according to a recent study. The research project, which looked into the effects of the more flexible approach that was taken during the COVID-19 pandemic, provides valuable insights that will inform the development of new workplace models for the future at KI.
Audience: Medarbetare
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have made exciting discoveries about Alzheimer's disease, a common form of dementia affecting millions of people around the world. In a study published in Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, they have explored the potential of novel synaptic PET-tracer UCB-J as an important early diagnostic biomarker/tool for Alzheimer's disease.
Professor Igor Adameyko offers the new course “Development of soft skills and better academic perspectives”, with focus on writing research papers, presenting at conferences, attracting funds, and interpersonal interaction and social aspects in the lab. The target audience are senior PhD students, postdocs and junior PI’s at FyFa.
Daniel Ferreira Padilla, senior researcher and docent at the Division of Clinical Geriatrics, has received SEK 1.9 million.
Karolinska Institutet is one of 24 partners in AD-RIDDLE, a collaborative project that aims to increase healthcare providers' ability to diagnose, prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease. The project, supported by, among others, the EU's Innovative Health Initiative (IHI), started in January 2024 and will run for five years.
Anniversary! This year it is 50 years since the dentistry programme moved to Flemingsberg. On June 13 between 14 and 17, we will celebrate with a summer party for all employees. Make time in your calendar already now - more information will follow.
Audience: Medarbetare
Universitetstandvården, Odontologi
An article in The Conversation written by a KI researcher broke a record in the number of readers. Associate Professor Karin Modig's article on centenarian biomarkers received almost 2.4 million reads and was translated into several languages.
This is a summary of the information meeting that Maria Eriksdotter, head of the Integration project and the former Dean of KI South, held together with Janne Johansson, the departmental head of BioNut, on 6 February on Zoom addressing all staff at BioNut and MedH.
Audience: Medarbetare
Medicin, Huddinge
Nominate candidates for the Dimitris N. Chorafas prize for outstanding scientific work. You may nominate a recently graduated postdoc researcher or a doctoral student who plans to graduate in 2024. Make sure your nominations reach us by 9 April.
Audience: Medarbetare
The Summer research school for high school students are looking for motivated supervisors who are interested in supervising one or two high school students during this summer 2024.
Audience: Medarbetare
Mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi, Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, Fysiologi och farmakologi, Neurovetenskap, Cell- och molekylärbiologi
Eva Åhrén, operations director of the Hagströmer Library and KI’s Medical History and Heritage, has been awarded a project grant of SEK 5 million by the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. The grant is intended to support efforts to make KI’s academic heritage accessible for the purposes of research, education and outreach.
KI webbförvaltning