KI researchers receives Systembolaget funding for Alcohol research

Four researchers at KI received funding from Systembolaget's Alcohol Research Council for Alcohol prevention research. Each year, ten million SEK is awarded, and this year over 2 million SEK goes to researchers from the Department of Global Public Health.
Systembolaget's Alcohol Research Council annually awards grants to various research projects. Priority is given to social science and public health research on alcohol, together with research that is of particular importance for the prevention of alcohol-related harm. Ten million SEK is awarded each year. Of this, SEK 2 million is allocated to focus areas that have been identified as particularly important and SEK 2 million is allocated to junior researchers.
The awarded researchers at GPH are:
Sven Andreasson for project Treatment of alcohol dependence in older people, 850 000 SEK
Anna-Karin Danielsson for project Alkoholberoende i ett långtidsperspektiv: studier av hela Sveriges befolkning 648 000 SEK
Sara Wallhed-Finn for project Alcohol use and cardiovascular disease - risk perceptions and health literacy 300 000 SEK
Anastasia Månsson for project Impact of European alcohol policies on injury-related disease burden, 242 000 SEK