Get to know the NVS HR group and their work

What exactly does an HR employee at NVS do? We had a little chat with the HR group.
What are the four most important areas of your work?
”HR work is broad, but if we "have to" limit ourselves to four important areas, we land on: management support, recruitment, work environment, and labor law. In recruitment, it involves discussing job profile and advertisements with the recruiting manager, and handling advertising and formalities. We then support the manager in selection and interviews, as well as administer expert reviews, assist with reference checks, and write employment decisions. It varies, but we probably handle over 100 recruitment cases per year. In labor law, it involves interpreting agreements at both local and central levels, for example about employment options or about the right to take a leave of absence or vacation.”
Describe a typical day at work?
”We have daily contact with administrators, managers, and employees in both administrative matters and larger issues. Generally, there are many meetings and conversations, but we also organize training sessions or hold information meetings. In addition, we collaborate with central HR (GVS), HR functions at other departments, and the unions at KI.”
Who is part of the HR group?
”We are four employees in HR: Amanda Nyberg, Liina Karlsson, Johanna Hillgren, and Mona Hellstadius. Additionally, we receive support from Ellinor Lind and Andreas Eklund with HR administration, each corresponding to 20%, with Ellinor working the rest of the time at the division of ARC.”
How do you distribute the work among the group?
”We have contact responsibility for a few divisions each. This is so that we are familiar with the specific operations and needs of the division. In addition, we have different specialist areas where we have in-depth knowledge. For example, Amanda and Johanna are working with work environment issues at the department.”
What do you like most about your work?
”Meetings with people are at the top of the list, and at KI, there is the opportunity to follow people's development and careers over time, which is very rewarding. Also, everyone's drive to find new solutions to existing problems. We are constantly on the move, which means exciting workdays and tasks.”