Louise Emilsson receives Rising Star Award 2025 from United European Gastroenterology

Congratulations to Louise Emilsson who receives the Rising star Award from United European Gastroenterology. Ten emerging scientists are selected annually from all over Europe to receive the prize, which is awarded to young, promising researchers in gastrointestinal diseases in connection with the annual European UEG conference in gastroenterology. The award ceremony will be held in Berlin in October 2025.
The Rising Star Award recognizes early career achievements and gives young researchers recognition and the opportunity to further develop their careers.
Louise Emilsson, researcher at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, is a specialist in general medicine and docent in epidemiology, which provides opportunities for a broad field of research. However, much of her research has dealt with gastrointestinal diseases.
Examples of current research in that field concern risk factors and prevention of bowel cancer.
"It feels great to receive this prize of recognition! It probably feels extra special for someone like me, a specialist in general practice rather than gastroenterology, to be selected as one of the ten most promising young gastrointestinal researchers in Europe”, says Louise. She continues; “I hope to inspire both general practitioners to become researchers and an increased use of causal inference and target trial designs in gastrointestinal research”.