International workshop at GPH sets stage for Lancet Series on Health Diplomacy

Coinciding with the Nobel celebrations in Stockholm, a diverse group of global health experts and researchers were invited to GPH for a pivotal workshop. The meeting, led by Anders Nordström, Senior Advisor in the Global Child Health and the Sustainable Development Goals research group, aimed to lay the groundwork for an upcoming Lancet Series on Health Diplomacy.
On 10 and 11 December, a group of researchers and experts gathered at the Department of Global Public Health for a working meeting to plan for a forthcoming Lancet Series on Diplomacy for Health. Participants included colleges from Georgetown University, Beijing University, the American University Beirut, the Makerere School of Public Health Uganda, the London School of Economics, the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research. Online participants included experts from Japan, Brazil, Guinea Bissau, Thailand and the Graduate Institute in Geneva.
The workshop is part of a larger initiative which aims to help expand both an academic network and a cadre of professionals competent in international politics and diplomacy, who can effectively navigate in the political landscape of global health across the world. It represents a collaborative effort between two academic institutions, the Stockholm School of Economics (House of Governance and Public Policy) and Karolinska Institutet (Department of Global Public Health).
The aim of the workshop was to further the work and build teams for each paper of the Lancet Series, which is meant to provide the go to analytical framework for health diplomacy against the background of the new world order and emerging trends. The series will also serve as an agenda for action in order to support the research, education and practice of health diplomacy.