Published: 09-12-2024 17:58 | Updated: 10-12-2024 08:22

Additional millions from Forte to two NVS researchers

Max Kleijberg, postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Nursing, and Markus Saarijärvi, lecturer at the Department of Nursing, receive a total of 3.3 million SEK in grants from Forte.

Close-up portrait of Max Kleijberg wearing a beige shirt
Max Kleijberg. Photo: Anna Forsberg.

Max Kleijberg receives 1,115,000 SEK for the project ”Att inkludera HBTQ+ perspektiv i vård i livets slutskede – Att queera till dödssystemet”.

Markus Saarijärvi, lecturer at the division of Nursing, NVS. Photo: Private.

Markus Saarijärvi receives 2,200,000 SEK for the project ”För en sömlös övergång till vuxensjukvården för unga personer med långvariga tillstånd - Svenska Transitionsnätverket”.