Current calls, week 51, 2024
Tips from Grants Office regarding current calls
Swedish and Nordic calls
Medel till forskarnätverk 2024 – Östersjöstiftelsen
Östersjöstiftelsen utlyser följande stödformer: (1) två- och treåriga projekt; (2) postdok-projekt; (3) storprojekt; (4) forskarnätverk; (5) stöd för att anordna konferenser; (6) stöd till publicering.
Closing date: January 31, 2025 (alla project och forskarnätverk).
Konferens- och publiceringsstöd kan sökas fortlöpande mellan 16 december 2024 och 30 september 2025 med deadline att skicka in ansökningar inför respektive beslut 28 februari, 30 maj och 30 september 2025.
Research grants - Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation
Foundation offers grants to support medical research in the following fields: (1) Medical research in psychosomatics, the basis being how the psyche affects the body; (2) Research in which a psychosomatic point of departure is expanded to include psychosocionomic questions; (3) Psychosomatic diseases; (4) Blood diseases; (5) Effect of mental factors on blood and blood circulation, effect of mental factors on other bodily systems and the related mechanisms that transmit the effects to the body; (6) Psychodynamics, which studies psychosomatic symptoms and attempts to describe their psychosomatic relationships. The foundation primarily supports Finnish research projects, but can also offer aid to researchers or research groups abroad.
Closing date: January 31, 2025. Call opens December 24, 2024
Projektanslag och resebidrag - Svenska Läkaresällskapet (SLS) ur Paul Frenckners fond
Fond stödjer forskning rörande öron-, näs- och hals-sjukdomar i form av projektanslag och resebidrag för forskningsvistelse vid utländsk institution rörande öron-, näs-, och halssjukdomar. För behörighet krävs medlemskap innevarande år samt betald medlemsavgift för 2025.
Closing date: February 1, 2025
Resebidrag – Riksföreningen för Barnsjuksköterskor (RfB)
Resestipendium syftar till att främja specialistsjuksköterskans kunskap i pediatrisk omvårdnad så att barnet och dess familjs omvårdnadsbehov tillgodoses. Resestipendiet kan sökas av betalande medlem i RfB som verkar inom området hälso- och sjukvård för barn.
Closing date: February 28, 2025
SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme - Swedish institute (SI)
SI Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme är ett program som finansierar projekt i vilka svenska organisationer arbetar med gränsöverskridande utmaningar och möjligheter tillsammans med organisationer från EU-länderna runt Östersjön och länder i EU:s Östliga partnerskap.Det finns två olika typer av bidrag att söka inom programmet för samarbete i Östersjöregionen: såddfinansiering och samarbetsprojekt.
Såddfinansiering - syftar till att lägga grund för samarbete. Projekt kan till exempel använda såddfinansiering för att: (i) Förbereda ansökningar om ny finansiering (främst EU); (ii) Utarbeta koncept och identifiera partners för framtida samarbete. Sökbart belopp: max. 500 000 kr. Projektperiod: 6 – 15 månader
Samarbetsprojekt - Finansiering av samarbetsprojekt i syfte att fördjupa och vidareutveckla samarbeten. Projekt kan till exempel: (i) Bygga nätverk och plattformar; (ii) Utveckla och testa modeller och metoder; (iii) Ge input till policy och strategi; (iv) Bygga/sprida kunskap och kompetens. Detta är större projekt som ska bidra till fördjupat, långsiktigt samarbete. Sökbart belopp: max. 2 000 000 kr. Projektperiod: 12 – 24 månader.
Closing date: March 4, 2025
Sigbrith Björkelunds Stiftelse
Sigbrith Björkelunds Stiftelse delar ut bidrag till kvinnliga forskare vid Karolinska Institutet eller Uppsala Universitet verksamma inom områdena neurologi, neuroradiologi, psykiatri eller hjärt-kärlsjukdomar. För utdelning disponerar Stiftelsen preliminärt 200 000 kronor att fördela på ett eller flera bidrag årligen.
Ansökan ska vara Stiftelsen tillhanda under senast 31 januari 2025 för medel som primärt avses att nyttjas under perioden juli 2025 – juni 2026.
Ytterligare upplysningar och anvisningar för ansökan återfinns på stiftelsens hemsida.
Kontaktperson stiftelsens sekreterare docent Göran Dalin,
European calls
European Rare Diseases Research Alliance (ERDERA) Joint Transnational Call (JTC)
Through this funding scheme, ERDERA fosters international collaboration by supporting cutting-edge research in rare diseases. JTCs are pivotal in bridging the gap between researchers across Europe and beyond, ensuring that scientific innovation can advance more efficiently and reach those who need them most. Throughout its course, ERDERA will launch seven joint transnational calls co-funded by the European Commission.
Projects should address at least two of the following:
- Development of novel therapies in a pre-clinical setting.
- Creation and validation of predictive and pharmacodynamic biomarkers.
- Replication of pre-clinical findings to enhance reliability.
- Pre-clinical proof-of-concept studies for therapy readiness.
Please note, certain approaches, including ATMP therapies and clinical trials, are excluded from this call. Detailed eligibility criteria are outlined in the Call Guidelines.
The maximum funding available for Swedish participation per application is SEK 3 000 000 for a single Swedish partner, and SEK 4 500 000 for two Swedish partners.
Preposal submission deadline: February 13, 2025
Climate and Mental Health Award: Uncovering mechanisms between heat and mental health
This award will fund projects to advance our understanding of how heat impacts anxiety, depression and psychosis in the most impacted groups globally through biological, psychological and/or social mechanisms.
Successful applications will propose translational opportunities for climate-resilient solutions and/or mental health interventions.
Expect proposed research projects should:
- focus on heat as a stressor of relevance to climate change
- focus on anxiety, depression and/or psychosis
- focus on mechanisms underpinning the relationship between heat and mental health
- consider and clearly describe the potential impact of the proposed project and how, if successful, it would contribute to translational work (either directly or over time) supporting real-world application
- include mental health expertise as well as climate expertise
To apply for this award, teams must bring together mental health and climate expertise as well as additional expertise as relevant. Consistent with the approach to mental health research, it is expected that research teams include relevant lived experience of mental health problems, unless there is a strong justification for not doing so.
Funding amount £1-3 million per project.
Application deadline: January 21, 2025
International Team for Implantology (ITI) Research Grant
This supports preclinical or clinical research in implant dentistry and related fields. The priority research topics are: best practice treatment protocols and workflows; innovative regenerative strategies and personalised medicine; peri-implant health and disease; and big data and PROMs in implant dentistry. Two types of grants are available:
- small grants, worth up to USD 50,000 each, or its equivalent in other relevant currencies, for research conducted by newer investigators who have been working in established reseach groups and wish to expand their scope and level of responsibility or want to establish a track record in implant dentistry
- large grants, worth up to USD 200,000 each, or its equivalent in other relevant currencies, for experienced researchers or research groups that are reputed for their credibility and thoroughness in the field as demonstrated by a continuous publication record in internationally recognised, peer reviewed journals.
Note: does not cover overhead/ indirect costs which exceed 20%
Application deadline: February 28, 2025
European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID) Summer School
ESID 2025 Summer School offers an immersive and insightful workshop designed to enhance your ability to screen, diagnose, and treat PID patients!
If you are inspired by a career in the field of primary immunodeficiencies, whether in the clinic, the lab, or a combination, this will be an excellent opportunity to update your knowledge, hear about the latest diagnostic tools, and learn from leaders in the field who see and manage patients with the whole spectrum of primary immunodeficiency, while also networking and socialising with your colleagues.
Application deadline: January 17, 2025
2025 Call for Nominations for the Princess of Asturias Awards
Princess of Asturias Foundation.
Welcome to nominate candidates to one of the eight awards that are bestowed upon the most outstanding individuals and organizations.
Submission of nominations.
Here you may see the video summaries of the previous editions of the Princess of Asturias Awards and some remarks from our award winners:
The deadline for submitting nominations is Thursday, 6th March 2025 (up until 11:59pm Spanish time, GMT+1).
Nominations may be submitted in two different ways:
- By filling out this official form, which can be sent to the Foundation via either of the following means:
- email to
- postal mail to the following address: c/ Plácido Arango Arias, 2, 33004 - Oviedo, Asturias, Spain.
US calls
Federal Funding
Exploratory/Developmental Bioengineering Research Grants (EBRG) (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)
Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-25-321
Upcoming deadlines: February 16, 2025; June 16, 2025; October 16, 2025
Abstract: The purpose of this engineering-oriented notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) announcement is to encourage submissions of exploratory/developmental Bioengineering Research Grant (EBRG) applications to demonstrate feasibility and potential utility of new capabilities or improvements in quality, speed, efficacy, operability, costs, and/or accessibility of solutions to problems in basic biomedical, pre-clinical, or clinical research, clinical care delivery, or accessibility. This NOFO will support clinical trials that test functionality or validate performance in the chosen setting. Applications that propose phase III clinical trials are not sought by and will not be supported through this NOFO.
NIDCR Small Research Grants for Oral Health Data Analysis and Statistical Methodology Development (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-25-045
Upcoming deadlines: February 16, 2025
Abstract: The goal of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announcement is to support meritorious research projects that involve secondary data analyses of existing oral or craniofacial database resources, or that develop needed statistical methodology for analyzing existing dental, oral or craniofacial databases.
Pilot Health Services and Economic Research on the Treatment of Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Use Disorders (R34 Clinical Trial Optional)
Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-25-100
Upcoming deadlines: February 16, 2025; June 16, 2025; October 16, 2025
Abstract: The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) encourages pilot and preliminary research in preparation for larger-scale services research effectiveness trials. Relevant trials may test a wide range of approaches, including interventions, practices, and policies designed to optimize access to, and the quality, effectiveness, affordability and utilization of tobacco or substance use disorder treatments and related services, as well as services for comorbid medical and mental disorder conditions. Relevant approaches may include both those that are novel, and those that are commonly used in practice but lack an evidence base. This NOFO provides resources for assessing the feasibility, acceptability, and utility of these approaches, in addition to usual trial preparation activities.
Informatics Tools for the Pangenome (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-HG-25-007
Upcoming deadlines: March 03, 2025
Abstract: This NOFO seeks applications for the development of informatics tools to facilitate uptake and scientific use of the human pangenome reference being developed and maintained by the NHGRI Human Genome Reference Program (HGRP). Emphasis for this RFA will be on development of tools to advance compelling use cases that are relevant to different broad sectors of the genomics community, e.g., clinical, population, or functional genomics. These tools will use pangenome datasets and build on systems developed by the Human Pangenome Coordinating Center (see below), which will support general computational infrastructure for pangenome use.
Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation – numerous research grants
Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 3rd February, 2025; Full application (by invitation) – 7th April, 2025
Amount: $600,000 to $5,000,000. Indirect costs are not allowed.
Eligibility: Academic medical centers and universities or nonprofits. Industry partnerships are encouraged.
Abstracts: Neuroimaging and CSF Biomarker Development Program - The aim of this RFP is to further develop and validate established biomarkers for which there is a clear clinical need in Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. This RFP prioritizes biomarkers with a defined context of use, a clear advantage over other relevant biomarkers, and a path to commercialization and/or clinical use.
Prevention RFP - The ADDF seeks to support precision prevention studies, combination therapy studies, and comparative effectiveness research that probe whether the use or choice of interventions may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias. Studies that are not in humans will not be considered.
Drug Development Program - The Drug Development RFP supports investigational new drug (IND)-enabling studies (or the international equivalent) and early-phase clinical trials that test promising pharmacological interventions and devices for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related dementias. This funding opportunity concentrates on diverse drug mechanisms and modes of action related to the biology of aging and other emerging therapeutic areas for dementia.
Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation, US - Research Grants
Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 24th January, 2025; Full application (by invitation) – 11th April, 2025
Amount: Up to $50,000 (including 8% for F&A costs) for one year.
Eligibility: Open to all.
Abstract: The RLS Foundation has a new funding opportunity for projects that promote research to understand restless legs syndrome. The primary research priorities this year are: Augmentation - Identifying who is at risk for developing augmentation (e.g. through genetic markers, iron status, or other at-risk clinical phenotypes) and who is lower risk, to understand if there is a subset of RLS patients who can be more safely treated with dopamine agonists long-term; Therapeutics - Elucidate the mechanisms involved in the therapeutic and unwanted side effects, (e.g., augmentation) of RLS drugs, novel therapeutics (i.e. medical cannabis) and advance knowledge toward development of more durable treatments; Disease risk and expression - Elucidate genetic, epigenetic, biologic factors associations with disease risk or with different RLS phenotypes; Other topics - Other research areas accepted for funding consideration.
Children's Tumor Foundation (CTF), US - NF Clinical Research Award
Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 10th February, 2025; Full application (by invitation).
Amount: $151,500. Two years funding of up to $150,000 total inclusive of 10% indirect costs. Can request up to $1,500 travel allowance.
Eligibility: Open to all.
Abstract: The Clinical Research Award program supports early stage pilot clinical trials of candidate therapeutics or interventions for the treatment of physical or psychosocial manifestations of NF1, SWN, or NF2-SWN. This grant mechanism also includes adjunct studies, such as the development of biomarkers, imaging protocols, and other clinical trial tools.
Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO), US - Research Grants
Upcoming deadlines: Pre LOI registration – 18th March; LOI – 27th March, 2025; Full application (by invitation) – mid September 2025.
Amount: Up to $500,000 over 3 years. Indirect costs are capped at 10%.
Eligibility: HFSP Research Grants support teams of independent leaders of research groups. Therefore applications from individual scientists or early career researchers carrying out their postdoctoral or PhD level projects are not eligible. Further eligibility requirements can be found via the link below.
Abstract: Research grants are provided for teams of scientists from different countries who wish to combine their expertise in innovative approaches to questions that could not be answered by individual laboratories. Preliminary results are not required and applicants are expected to develop new lines of research through the research collaboration.