Published: 18-12-2024 08:58 | Updated: 18-12-2024 09:18
Funding from the Swedish Cancer and Allergy Fund to researchers at Labmed

Recipient of Cancer & allergifonden 2025: Helen Kaipe & Mikael Björnstedt.
Photo: N/A
Congratulations to the 2 researchers at Labmed who receive funds from the Swedish Cancer and Allergy Fund 2025.
Helen Kaipe, Docent
Title: "Tumörspecifika T-celler i pankreascancer."
Read more about the project in an interview with Helen on the Swedish Cancer and Allergy Fund web page. (only in Swedish)
Mikael Björnstedt, Professor
Title: "Nya selenbaserade strategier för att behandla resistent cancer."
Read more about the project in an interview with Mikael at the the Swedish Cancer and Allergy Fund web page. (only in Swedish)