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Researchers at the Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM) have published two studies on the connection between depression and cardiovascular disease. The first study explores the physiological mechanisms behind the link between general depression and cardiovascular disease. The second examines the increased risk of cardiovascular disease in women affected by perinatal depression. The results emphasize the importance of understanding and treating depression to prevent serious physical illness.
Femke Hormann has been awarded a prestigious Junior Research Grant by the European Hematology Association (EHA). The grant totals € 150 000 over three years.
In first-time mothers requiring vacuum-assisted delivery, a lateral episiotomy (angled cut) in the tissue between the vaginal and anal opening more than halves the risk of obstetric anal sphincter injury, a severe form of perineal trauma between the vulva and anus. This according to a randomised clinical study led by researchers at Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm’s Danderyd Hospital, the results of which are published in The BMJ.
The Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation has been supporting research into diseases of the heart and lungs in various ways since 1904, in part through generous research grants. This year, the foundation is celebrating its 120th anniversary, one of the high points of which is the creation of a new large research grant. Three of the six research teams to be awarded the foundation’s Jubilee Grant work at Karolinska Institutet.
In April, 30 participants finished the course "Leadership for research group leaders". This course is run every second year and is part of KI’s efforts to strengthen the scientific leadership at the research group leader level.
Audience: Medarbetare
Mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi, Fysiologi och farmakologi, Global folkhälsa, Medicin, Huddinge
IMM in media
IMM researchers in Sveriges Radio (Radio Sweden).
Audience: Medarbetare
Institutet för miljömedicin
As of June 17th we have a new catering framework agreement for KI Nord.
Audience: Medarbetare
The StratNeuro Retreat 2024, held from June 3rd to June 5th at the picturesque Djurönäset Hotel, was a resounding success. With over 250 participants, this retreat offered an exceptional opportunity for networking, scientific exchange, and relaxation in a stunning location.
The KI Housing office is closed on Friday, June 21, for the celebration of Midsummer Eve. If you have any urgent maintenance issues when the office is closed, we ask you to use the on-call service for your area.
KI researcher Rickard Sandberg has been elected as a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Academy of Sciences in the Medical Sciences category. In his research, he has developed new methods for studying genes in individual cells.
Photos from the party on June 13 when Dentmed celebrated 50 years since the dental program moved to Huddinge and summer party for the employees
Audience: Medarbetare
Universitetstandvården, Odontologi
Fang Fang, professor in epidemiology at the Institute for Environmental Medicine in Solna, is awarded the prize for her outstanding efforts in epidemiology, as a researcher in neurodegenerative diseases, especially ALS.
Eleven years ago, KI researcher Beatrice Uusma published her book The Expedition: A Love Story exploring the fate of Andrée’s balloon expedition to the North Pole at the end of the 1800s. This August, she and a group of researchers from the Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research and the University Museum of Bergen will be returning to Vitön (Kvitøya) for more answers about the ill-fated expedition. Bea Uusma, at KI’s Medical History and Heritage Unit, tells us more.
On Tuesday, June 11, OSK challenged colleagues at Bite Physiology at Eastman in the Blodomloppet at Djurgården, a challenge that OSK won. Five people from each clinic ran 5.3 km in cold weather with occasional light rain.
Audience: Medarbetare
Universitetstandvården, Odontologi
The Swedish Medical Society has decided to appoint Catharina "Cia" Ihre Lundgren as the new president of the Swedish Medical Society, SLS. She takes office on July 1, 2024 and succeeds Tobias Alfvén, who is leaving the post after four years as president.
Junior researchers are invited, by the Internationalisation board, to apply for funding for collaboration with partners in low- and middle-income countries in Africa in 2025. The level of funding is 50,000 to 100,000 SEK.

Audience: Medarbetare
At the occupational and environmental medicine spring meeting on May 30, three researchers from the Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM) received awards for Best thesis, Innovative research and Life time achievement.
Professor Jonas F Ludvigsson has been awarded H.M. The King's Medal of the 8th size in the Order of the Seraphim ribbon for outstanding research contributions in paediatrics and inflammatory bowel diseases. At the same time, Professor Göran K Hansson receives H.M. The King's Medal of the 12th size in the Order of the Seraphim ribbon for leading contributions to Swedish academia.
NVS-PUF V, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, welcomes all doctoral students and researchers at KI, and other interested parties, to a webinar series focusing on Health Literacy. The webinars will consist of lectures and discussions between lecturers and participants, and some self-studies will be conducted prior each webinar. In English, and certificate of participation possible.
A recent study by researchers at Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital, published in the International Journal of Surgery, shows that survival rates after surgery have significantly improved over the years, even though patients have become sicker and older. One contributing factor is the continuous development of perioperative care, which encompasses patient management before, during, and after surgery.
Tips from KI Grants Office regarding current calls
Audience: Medarbetare
The proposal discussed with affected staff is that five offices will cease to exist and three new ones will be formed from 1 January 2025. The aim is to equip KI's operational support to meet increased demands and rapid changes in the outside world through more effective coordination, and to contribute to a stronger sense of unity throughout KI.
Audience: Medarbetare
As of June 1st, KI researchers can publish with prepaid open access in Rockefeller University Press’ three own journals.
Audience: Medarbetare
ELN Survey
We would like to invite you to a short survey that should take approx. 10min to complete.
Audience: Medarbetare
Ljubica Matic and Anton Razuvaev from the Vascular Surgery Group at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, have been awarded with the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation 120 years Jubilee grant for their project that aims to reveal novel mechanisms and develop therapeutic targets and biomarkers for personalised treatment in lower limb peripheral arterial disease.
This week, Karolinska Institutet, reached an agreement on a new exciting multiyear partnership with Carl Bennet AB in support of academic collaboration between Karolinska Institutet and Universitas Airlangga in Surabaya, Indonesia. President Annika Östman Wernerson signed the agreement with Carl Bennet outlining a four year program, totalling 8 million Swedish kronor.
Claudia Hanson, research group leader for IMPAQT at GPH, had her inaugural lectureship as Professor at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine on 23 May. She shared her experience of moving through different disciplines, institutions, and countries – always with the passion to improve health for women, mothers, and their babies in low- and middle-income settings. We asked her a few questions about her research.
Audience: Medarbetare
Global folkhälsa, Hanson
On June 3rd and 4th, international vascular surgeons, scientists and trainees gathered in the Sune Bergström Auditorium to present and discuss translational vascular research. This was the third time the Vascular Surgery group at the Department of Molecular and Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, hosted the meeting, in 2020 in a virtual format, in 2022 and this year in the welcoming venue of Bioclinicum.
Welcome to a SDU - KI joint symposia on structural biology and cancer research
Monday 17 June at 10.15 - 17.00 at BioClinicum J3:14, Kerstin Hagenfelt Auditorium
No registration needed. Coffe/tea and lunch is served.
Audience: Medarbetare
Welcome to a SDU - KI joint symposia on structural biology and cancer research
Monday 17 June at 10.15 - 17.00 at BioClinicum J3:14, Kerstin Hagenfelt Auditorium
No registration needed. Coffe/tea and lunch is served.
Audience: Medarbetare
Joanna Rorbach, Principal Researcher at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics at Karolinska Institutet, receives The Ascending Investigator Grant from Novo Nordisk 2024.
Audience: Medarbetare
Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, Rorbach
Remember to register for this autumns training courses in management, leadership and work environment issues. We warmly welcome both new and experienced managers and leaders within KI to register. As an HR professional, you are also welcome to explore our courses.

Take the chance to develop your skills and create valuable networks.

At the Learning HUB you can find our course catalogue and find out which courses you have not yet taken.
Audience: Medarbetare
Hi Jasper Holleman, doctoral student at the Division of Clinical Geriatrics. On June 18 you will defend your thesis "Novel biomarkers associated with stress : from normal aging to Alzheimer's disease ". What is the main focus of the thesis?
Craig Wheelock has been appointed as a “Fellow of the European Respiratory Society”.
Hi Johanna Mayer, doctoral student at the Division of Neurogeriatrics. On June 17 you will defend your thesis "The role of autophagy in Aβ and tau metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease ". What is the main focus of the thesis?
Christabel Khaemba is a doctoral student at Karolinska Institutet, with a PhD project entitled “Active Safety Surveillance of Drugs Used in Lymphatic Filariasis Control Programme in Kenya.” Currently, she serves as the Principal Regulatory Officer and Head of Pharmacovigilance at the Pharmacy and Poisons Board, Kenya’s national medicine regulatory agency.
Roughly three times as many male athletes are banned for doping as female. A new doctoral thesis from Karolinska Institutet shows that one possible reason for this is that the doping tests in use fail to take account of women’s varying hormone profile. Instead, an alternative is proposed that includes a blood test and a limit value that allows doping tests for both elite athletes and casual sportspersons.
As summer approaches, it’s essential to plan ahead. Here are some key considerations from the finance and HR departments.
During summer, administrative staff at LIME and KI may be on vacation, affecting their presence. Expect longer response times in email inboxes, and note that there will be auto-replies directing urgent matters.
Audience: Medarbetare
Lärande, Informatik, Management och Etik
In this spring's call for grants for international postdocs in medicine and health, the Swedish Research Council approved 9 out of 42 applications. Of these nine, four, Daniel Helldén, Klara Lenart, Yunbing Shen and Miranda Stiernborg, are researchers at KI. In total, almost SEK 36 million was granted for the period 2024–2027.
Miranda Stiernborg, researcher in molecular biology at the Translational Psychiatry group, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, receives an international postdoc grant of SEK 3.9 million from the Swedish Research Council to study recurrent urinary tract infections in women.

After being LIME's Acting Head of Department for 4 months Sabine Koch has been appointed as ordinary Head of Department as of 1st July 2024.
Audience: Medarbetare
Lärande, Informatik, Management och Etik, Informatik
We are approaching summer and the half-year closing of the books and would like to take the opportunity to remind you of some important information from Finance and HR.
Audience: Medarbetare
Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik
University of Bonn awards scholarships to NeurotechEU-students for an on-site Intensive German language course in September 2024
Audience: Medarbetare
When Inger Kull was a new nurse in the early 1980s, researchers were looking for risk factors. Today she is a professor and prefers to talk about health factors. Thirty years of research on the Bamse-children have provided answers to many questions, but not the most difficult: Why do children develop allergies?
On May 25, the Swedish Institute (SI) hosted a diploma ceremony at Stockholm's City Hall, celebrating its scholarship recipients. Among the scholars were seven students from Karolinska Institutet (KI) on site.
The IT Office is further broadening the software portfolio with three popular software products that have a large number of users at KI.
Audience: Medarbetare
Robin Zenlander from the Gastroenterology and Rheumatology Unit at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge, is defending his thesis titled "Biomarkers in hepatocellular carcinoma", on 13 June, 2024. Main supervisor is Per Stål (MedH).
New research reveals that scar formation after spinal cord injuries is more complex than previously thought. Scientists have identified two types of perivascular cells as key contributors to scar tissue, which hinders nerve regeneration and functional recovery. These findings, published in Natural Neuroscience, are also relevant for other brain and spinal cord injuries and could lead to targeted therapies for reducing scarring and improving outcomes.
The SciLifeLab board has appointed Professor Jan Ellenberg as the new director. Alongside this role, Professor Ellenberg will also be appointed as a professor at Karolinska Institutet and affiliated professor at Stockholm University and KTH (Royal Institute of Technology). He succeeds Professor Olli Kallioniemi, who has served as SciLifeLab director since 2015.
KI's Education Congress is aimed at those who are involved in teaching at KI or interested in educational issues. The venue is campus Solna and this year we focus on the theme ‘Exploring the Human Dimensions of Education’. Register now!
Audience: Medarbetare
KI webbförvaltning