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The President has on 10th of December 2024 decided on a new qualification portfolio for teachers and researchers at KI.
Audience: Medarbetare
From January 21 until January 2, KI Housing will be closed for the celebration of Christmas and the New Year.

In 2024, sisters Lisa, Maria, and Anne Örtqvist were all appointed as docents at Karolinska Institutet, a unique achievement that has garnered attention both within their family and the research community. Despite pursuing different career paths and research fields, they have inspired one another and drawn strength from their shared passion for medicine and research.
A new study from Karolinska Institutet shows that self-guided cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) online is as effective as psychologist-led internet-based CBT in reducing the symptoms of atopic eczema. The results, which are published in the highly ranked journal JAMA Dermatology, can lead to improved access to treatment for patients and reduce the burden on healthcare.
How are emerging plasma biomarkers related to the diagnostic tests currently used in clinical routines? And does the earlier evidence from highly selective research cohorts translate to the heterogeneous real-world data? Researchers at Karolinska Institutet have sought to answer these questions in a study published in eBioMedicine with Dr. Marina Bluma from the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society as the first author.
Tips from Grants Office regarding current calls
Audience: Medarbetare
KI President Annika Östman Wernerson has been elected as a member of IVA's Biotechnology Division. This took place in connection with the Academy meeting in November, when IVA, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, elected 41 new Swedish and international members – prominent researchers and experts from both the business community and the public sector.
As the year comes to a close and we look forward to a well-deserved holiday, let me, Vice-President Martin Bergö and University Director Veronika Sundström, share some of the highlights of the past couple of months
Audience: Medarbetare
Anna Kågesten, Associate Professor in Global Health at the Department of Global Public Health, was one of the expert guests in Musikhjälpen’s booth at Stora Torget in Sundsvall this year. Over 60 million kronor was raised for organisations working to reduce maternal mortality worldwide. Anna Kågesten contributed research and knowledge based on her work focusing on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) among young people globally.
Audience: Medarbetare
Global folkhälsa
The group will be deciding on the establishment of senior lectureships and professorships and identifying both short and long-term competence shortages in order to secure and strengthen KI’s core activities and create long-term stability in education and research.
Audience: Medarbetare
Professor Anna Wredenberg wants to understand in detail how the body works. That is why she delves into the unknown world of mitochondria. For patients with hereditary genetic diseases, this could mean a long-awaited diagnosis.
Administrative news for staff and affiliates at the Department of Neuroscience (December 2024).
Audience: Medarbetare
Congratulations to the 2 researchers at Labmed who receive funds from the Swedish Cancer and Allergy Fund 2025.
Audience: Medarbetare
In this episode of the KIB podcast Alvin, bibliometric analyst, Lovisa, librarian, and Anna, writing instructor, discuss questions from colleagues and students at KI on LLMs (large language models).
Audience: Medarbetare
NVS Head of Department Maria Ankarcrona, together with Head of Administration Carin Ullman, received KI’s Work Environment Award 2024 at the Work Environment Day on December 12. They received the award for their persistent efforts on work environment issues, with a particular focus on safety.
Audience: Medarbetare
Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle
A new study from the Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM), published in The Lancet Regional Health – Europe, shows that certain cardiometabolic diseases may affect the risk and prognosis of motor neuron diseases. The findings highlight a complex link between heart diseases and neurological disorders like ALS, which could contribute to improved prevention and care for patients with these severe conditions.
In this webinar series we will explore the wide scope of psychedelics research conducted at various centers in Europe. Throughout the sessions we will cover a wide range of topics: from pharmacology and preclinical investigations to the clinical trials conducted in psychiatry. The three sessions in this series build upon each other but can also be attended in isolation. In each session, cutting-edge research is presented by esteemed researchers from different universities in Europe.
Cancer- och allergifonden (the Swedish Cancer and Allergy Fund) is awarding a total of SEK 3.6 million to 21 research projects in the field of cancer and allergy. Of these, twelve researchers at Karolinska Institutet will be awarded SEK 2.3 million. The grants aim to promote groundbreaking research that improves the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer and allergies.
The Decision-making Procedures and Delegation Rules will be published in full early in the new year. Some of the amendments apply to the delegation of authority to the deans, university director and heads of department, while others concern the organisation as a whole.
Audience: Medarbetare
Ten years ago, a cancer patient in Sweden was treated with CAR T-cell therapy for the first time. Today he is cured. Several challenges remain before the treatment can be given to everyone who could benefit from it, and how to achieve this was one of the questions discussed at the SWECARNET network’s annual education day.
Walking, running, cycling to work, strength training and yoga. Activities undertaken by 400 employees during November's varied weather. The Pep@Work exercise challenge has ended and participants have been moving at record levels.
Audience: Medarbetare
Karolinska Institutet is investing over SEK 200 million over five years on a new funding package for EU-financed research projects. The aim of this investment, which was decided by the President on 11 November 2024, is to bolster research at KI and attract more international research grants and global collaborations designed to address today’s societal challenges. It is also intended to reward successful researchers that have won large prestigious external grants for breakthrough research.
Audience: Medarbetare
Congratulations to Louise Emilsson who receives the Rising star Award from United European Gastroenterology. Ten emerging scientists are selected annually from all over Europe to receive the prize, which is awarded to young, promising researchers in gastrointestinal diseases in connection with the annual European UEG conference in gastroenterology. The award ceremony will be held in Berlin in October 2025.
Get to know Hong Qian, Professor of Molecular Haematology at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH) since 26 November 2024.
Karolinska Institutet is part of NeurotechEU (NTEU), a European University alliance. The Neuroscience Internship Program Bonn provides bachelor and master students with an opportunity to engage in hands-on lab experiences within the field of neuroscience and neurotechnology. Last day for application Jan 8, 2025
On November 18-22, 2024 IMM organised the course “Health risk assessment of chemicals - principles and applications” within the EU funded project PARC (Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals). The course was attended by 32 participants from 22 PARC partners in 13 countries.
As KI’s new presidential advisor, Maria Eriksdotter will be leading the university’s collaboration with Region Stockholm, giving her a key role in the future of clinical research and education in the capital.
Audience: Medarbetare
Coinciding with the Nobel celebrations in Stockholm, a diverse group of global health experts and researchers were invited to GPH for a pivotal workshop. The meeting, led by Anders Nordström, Senior Advisor in the Global Child Health and the Sustainable Development Goals research group, aimed to lay the groundwork for an upcoming Lancet Series on Health Diplomacy.
Four researchers at KI received funding from Systembolaget's Alcohol Research Council for Alcohol prevention research. Each year, ten million SEK is awarded, and this year over 2 million SEK goes to researchers from the Department of Global Public Health.
Audience: Medarbetare
Global folkhälsa, Danielsson, EPiCSS
Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a severe and rapidly progressing neurodegenerative disease that affects both motor and cognitive functions. Often misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed due to a lack of specific biomarkers, PSP has posed significant challenges for accurate diagnosis and treatment. However, a new study published in the journal Alzheimer & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Associationoffers promising insights into this debilitating condition.
The Mats Paulsson Foundations award Jan Johansson, professor at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge, Karolinska Institutet, SEK 10 million for research into new innovative treatment methods for Alzheimer's disease. The aim of the research project is to create a new drug that can achieve a breakthrough in the treatment of the most common dementia disease.

Analyses of self-tests for human papillomavirus (HPV) can be used to divide HPV-positive women into three risk groups, according to a new study from Karolinska Institutet and Queen Mary University of London published in PLOS Medicine. This method could be important for enhancing cervical cancer screening.
Tips from Grants Office regarding current calls
Audience: Medarbetare
Emma Eliasson at the National centre for suicide research and prevention (NASP) has been awarded an establishment grant of 3,744,000 SEK from Forte. This grant will finance a research project aimed at evaluating supportive follow-up calls —Uppföljningssamtal — as a method to reduce suicides in Sweden.
We congratulate the two researchers from the Department of Medicine, Huddinge who have been awarded grants from the Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation.
New research from Karolinska Institutet highlights the possibility of screening people with type 2 diabetes for liver damage at the same time as they undergo screening for eye disease. The study is published in Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
When crisis or war comes’ is both the title of a now well-known brochure and the theme of Sweden's first Health Crisis Forum, organised by the Centre for Health Crises at Karolinska Institute (KI). Over 100 specially invited participants, including two state secretaries, the surgeon general and the National Board of Health and Welfare's head of emergency preparedness, gathered to discuss the role of higher education institutions in the event of a health crisis or war.
On 10 December, it was announced that the Centre for Health Crises will receive 3 million Norwegian kroner in funding from the Nordic Council of Ministers' research funding body, Nordforsk. The funding will go towards a project to create a Nordic health crisis network. The funding is based on a call for proposals in the area of preparedness and resilience. that the Centre, together with partners in other Nordic countries.
How can we work together to create better conditions for a strong pedagogical everyday life for educators? That is what the PULS project wants to investigate. During the spring, your work group can receive pedagogical support by jointly developing a form of process tool.
Audience: Medarbetare
The Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation is awarding more than SEK 80 million to Karolinska Institutet for paediatric oncology research in 2024. The allocation includes 29 projects run by researchers at KI.
A new study from Karolinska Institutet shows that long-term exposure to air pollution contributes to millions of deaths in India. The research, published in The Lancet Planetary Health, emphasises the need for stricter air quality regulations in the country.
Pep@Work: Well done NVS!
Our nine teams in Pep@work have made outstanding efforts among the 38 competing teams! The best part, of course, is that many have been more active than usual and had fun with their colleagues
Audience: Medarbetare
Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle
The Bergendorff scholarship was founded in 2022 in honor of Anders Bergendorff, the former program director of the master programme in Toxicology at IMM. This scholarship supports summer internships for students at the program, and the awardees present their projects at the annual Bergendorff seminar.
Jennie Eldh Bastman, the environmental and sustainability representative at Biomedicum, talks about the environmental initiatives that have been carried out throughout the year.
Audience: Medarbetare
What exactly does an HR employee at NVS do? We had a little chat with the HR group.
Audience: Medarbetare
Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle
The allocation of government funding for 2025 is now planned, budgeted and decided.
Audience: Medarbetare
This autumn’s major allocation of external research grants from the larger Swedish research councils, the Heart-Lung foundation and Cancerfoundation means that many of our researchers at the Department of Medicine Solna (MedS) can continue their important research, while others can start new projects.
Audience: Medarbetare
Medicin, Solna
Advanced Medicinal Therapy Products, ATMP, span broadly over medical fields and the aim of this symposium is to enhance networking within ATMP and to get a flavor of academic and commercial development of ATMPs in Stockholm and Sweden. NextGenNK and CCRM Nordic are inviting you to a mini-symposium with the focus on ATMP on January 22, 2025.
Moon landings, worms and micro-RNA are just three shared interests held by Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun, who told the story of how they first aimed for the stars and achieved a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in their Nobel lectures with humor and erudition.
Max Kleijberg, postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Nursing, and Markus Saarijärvi, lecturer at the Department of Nursing, receive a total of 3.3 million SEK in grants from Forte.
KI webbförvaltning