143 KI researchers to share SEK 660 million

In the latest Swedish Research Council (VR) call, a total of SEK 660,747,160 has been granted to 143 KI researchers, an increase on last year’s SEK 625,904,933. All in all, VR granted SEK 1.37 billion in 2023, compared with 1.2 billion in 2022.
Call in the fields of medicine and health
In the latest VR call in the field of medicine and health, 141 KI researchers received a total of SEK 645,952,750, compared with SEK 541,913,333 in 2022. The grants to KI researchers break down as follows (last year’s figures in brackets):
- 110 (90) project grants
- 22 (21) starting grants
- 5 (6) consolidator grants
- 4 (2) grants for part-time (50%) research position in a clinical environment
A selection of the larger grants
Carl Sellgren at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology has been awarded a consolidator grant of SEK 10,000,000 for the project "Gliacellers reglering av synapsdensitet vid schizofreni - integrerade multimodala experimentella och kliniska studier med fokus på identifiering av nya målstrukturer" (Gliocyte regulation of synapse density in schizophrenia - integrated multimodal experimental and clinical studies focusing on the identification of new target structures).
Kristiina Tammimies at the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health has been awarded a consolidate grant of SEK 10,000,000 for the project "Kliniska och molekylära utfall av genomiska signaturer vid autism" (Clinical and molecular outcomes of genomic signatures in autism).
Igor Adameyko at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology has been awarded a project grant of SEK 9,000,000 for the project "Analys av multipotens hos neurallistens stamceller" (Analysis of multipotency in neural crest stem cells).
Johan Askling at the Department of Medicine (Solna) has been awarded a project grant of SEK 9,000,000 for the project "Precisionsmedicin vid reumatoid artrit genom ökad förståelse av uppkomstmekanismer och förbättrad klinisk prediction" (Precision medicine in rheumatoid arthritis through a greater understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms and improved clinical prediction).
Liv Eidsmo at the Department of Medicine (Solna) has been awarded a project grant of SEK 9,000,000 for the project "Nya strategier för framtida behandling av T-cellsbaserade immunologiska ärr i huden" (New strategies for the future treatment of T cell-based immunological scarring of the skin).
Jonas Frisén at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology has been awarded a project grant of SEK 9,000,000 for the project "Cellnybildning i den vuxna hjärnan" (The formation of new cells in the adult brain).
Call in the field of primary care
Two researchers at KI have received a grant in the 2023 VR call in the field of primary care. The grants awarded to KI researchers amount to SEK 14,794,410 (SEK 109,925,876 to 26 researchers in 2022).
A selection of the larger grants
Johan Ärnlöv at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society has been awarded a project grant of SEK 7,500,000 for the project "Kronisk smärta och utvecklingen av hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar" (Chronic pain and the development of cardiovascular diseases).
Johan Bjureberg at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience has been awarded a project grant of SEK 7,294,410 for the project "Effekt av Primary Care Online Emotion-regulation Treatment (POET): En kort intervention riktad mot ungdomar 12–17 år inom första linjens vård för psykisk ohälsa" (Effect of Primary Care Online Emotion-regulation Treatment (POET): A brief intervention for 12 to 17-year-olds in first-line psychiatric care).
Call in the field of science and technology
The Swedish Research Council has decided on a number of calls in the field of science and technology. A total of almost SEK 1.4 billion will be granted for the years 2023–2027.
A selection of the larger grants
Axel Abelein at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition has been awarded a starting grant of SEK 4,000,000 for the project "Molekylära insikter i chaperon-amyloid-interaktioner för biomimetisk behandling av neurodegenerativa sjukdomar" (Molecular insights in chaperone-amyloid interactions for the biomimetic treatment of neurodegenerative diseases).
Jussi Taipale at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (Solna) has been awarded a project grant of SEK 4,000,000 for the project "Interaktioner som definierar den regulatoriska genkoden – den strukturella grunden för kooperativt bindande av transkriptionsfaktorer till fritt och nukleosomt DNA" (Interactions that define the regulatory gene code – the structural basis of the cooperative binding of transcription factors for free and nucleosome DNA).
Camilla Björkegren at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology has been awarded a project grant of SEK 3,600,000 for the project "DNA-helixens roll i kromosomorganisation och funktion" (The role of the DNA helix in chromosomal organisation and function).
Christian Riedel at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition has been awarded a project grant of SEK 3,640,000 for the project "Upptäckt av nya kromatinrelaterade mekanismer som fördröjer eller förebygger åldrande" (Discovery of new chromatin-related mechanisms the delay or prevent ageing).
Call in the field of humanities and social sciences
The Swedish Research Council has decided on a number of calls within the humanities and social sciences in 2023. A total of just over 436 million SEK will be granted for the years 2024-2027.
A selection of the larger grants
Ulrik Kihlbom at the Department of Education, Informatics, Management and Ethics, is awarded a project grant of SEK 5,600,000 for the project "För barnets bästa? Etiska, juridiska och empiriska undersökningar av socialtjänstbeslut om umgängesbegränsningar" (For the best of the child? Ethical, legal and empirical studies of social service decisions on access restrictions).
Kristoffer Månsson at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, is awarded a project grant of SEK 6, 076,000 for the project "Placeboresponsen och den kognitiv beteendeterapins effekt: Undersökningar av förväntningar och hjärnans signal-variabilitet hos individer med ångest" (The placebo response and the effect of cognitive behavioural therapy: Investigations of expectations and brain signal variability in individuals with anxiety).