Researchers at KBH receive grants from the Swedish Research Council

Congratulations to Kristiina Tammimies, Eric Herlenius, Ulrika Ådén and Jakob Stenman, researchers at the Department of women's and children's health, who receive funding from the Swedish Research Council's call for proposals in medicine and health in 2023.

Kristiina Tammimies
Kristiina Tammimies, research group leader at KIND, receives SEK 14.8 million for the period 2024-2028 for the research project "Clinical and molecular outcomes of genomic signatures in autism".

Eric Herlenius
Eric Herlenius, research group leader at the Department of Clinical Paediatrics, receives SEK 4.8 million for the period 2024-2027 for the research project "Shortness of breath, inflammation and inspiration - pathophysiological mechanisms contribute to real-time precision medicine using explainable deep machine learning".

Ulrika Ådén
Ulrika Ådén, research group leader at the Department of Neonatology, Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Health receives SEK 2.4 million for the period 2024-2026 for the research project "Developmental neurological impairments in premature babies. Early prediction and intervention".

Jako Stenman
Jakob Stenman, research group leader at the Department of Pediatric Oncology and Pediatric Surgery receives SEK 3.6 million for the period 2023-2025 for the research project "Development of radiopharmaceutical treatment for neuroblastoma in children".