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12 september

12 september to 24 october
Karolinska Institutet/remote
Campus Solna
Suicidology for doctoral students (4 credits) is a collaboration between Örebro University, National centre for suicide research and prevention (NASP) at KI (LIME) and Uppsala University.
Lärande, Informatik, Management och Etik, NASP
12 september 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
To be updated
This training is provided by the HR Office at the Professional Services and is aimed for those who are salary-setting managers in both research, education and administration.
Internal courses and training
12 september 9:00 am
ScilifeLab - room Air&Fire
Campus Solna
Progresses in cracking the regulatory code with AI
Lectures and seminars
12 september 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Room D1012, Biomedicum, Karolinska Institutet, Campus Solna
Campus Solna
Welcome to a lecture with Prof. Simon Johnson, Northumbria University. Hosted by Joanna Rorbach, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institutet.
Lectures and seminars
Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik
12 september 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Gene in Neo, Blickagången 16
Campus Flemingsberg
Welcome to Luca Love's dissertation with the title "Mechanisms Controlling the Latent HIV-1 Provirus".
Medicin, Huddinge, BioNut
12 september 11:00 am - 11:45 am
In this presentation/demo we will show you the database Cortellis Drug Discovery Intelligence (CDDI).
Lectures and seminars
12 september 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Room D1012, Biomedicum, Karolinska Institutet, Campus Solna
Campus Solna
Welcome to a lecture with Prof. Dr. Claire Jacob, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Hosted by Gonçalo Castelo- Branco, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institutet.
Lectures and seminars
Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, Castelo-Branco
12 september 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Because of climate change, many of the factors that influence the risk of wild fires are changing. Both the scale and number of forest fires are expected to increase. In this webinar we will hear from leading experts in the field, talking about the health impacts of wildfires, as well as…
Lectures and seminars
Centrum för hälsokriser, Ljungman, Institutet för miljömedicin
12 september 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Von Behring in ANA Futura, Alfred Nobels Allé 8/ Online
Campus Flemingsberg
Welcome to this seminar series arranged by the Liver Academy at Karolinska Institutet with the titles: "Stopping nucleoside analogue therapy in chronic hepatitis B infection: A viable treatment alternative and window of opportunity for pathogenetic studies" and "Identifying…
Lectures and seminars
Medicin, Huddinge, Centrum för Infektionsmedicin, Gastroenterologi och Reumatologi
12 september 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Welcome to this interactive online meeting with a short introduction to Swedish authorities and Q&A session.
- migration issues
- personal number
- Swedish language courses etc.
12 september 1:00 pm
Atrium, Nobels väg 12B, Karolinska Institutet, Solna
Campus Solna
Welcome to Jingdian Zhang's dissertation "Pathogenic mitochondrial DNA point mutations in the immune system : ‘A tale of two cities' " 12 September at 13:00 in Atrium, Nobels väg 12B, Karolinska Institutet, Solna.
Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, Rorbach
12 september 3:00 pm
Room J3:07, Bioclinicum ground floor.
Karolinska University Hospital, Solna
The Karolinska Immunology Seminar Series (KiSS): With Lluis Quintana-Murci, Institut Pasteur, France.
Lectures and seminars
Medicin, Solna
12 september 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Room Insikten at LIME, the Widerström building, Campus Solna
Campus Solna
“Living matter(s): exploring the educational use of live animals to learn to manage surgical traumatic injuries.”
Lärande, Informatik, Management och Etik, Informatik, Karlgren
12 september 4:00 pm
Biomedicum, A0812
Campus Solna
Modulation of IgG effector functions by Fc glycosylation
Lectures and seminars

13 september

13 september 9:00 am
Eva & Georg Klein Hall, Biomedicum, Solnavägen 9, Karolinska Institutet, Solna
Campus Solna
Welcome to Chao Zheng's dissertation "Dynamics of transcriptomic and epigenomic states in mouse and human central nervous system cells in multiple sclerosis" 13 September at 09:00 in Eva & Georg Klein Hall, Biomedicum, Solnavägen 9, Karolinska Institutet, Solna.
Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, Castelo-Branco
13 september 9:00 am
Sevastikbiblioteket, K 54
Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge
Healthcare professionals related factors and airborne bioparticles during arthroplasty surgery
Half-time seminars
Klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik, Ortopedi och bioteknologi
13 september 9:00 am
Biomedicum, room D1012, Solnavägen 9, Karolinska Institutet, Solna
Campus Solna
Welcome to Alex Moreno Giro's dissertation "Functional characterization of protective antibodies in murine models of rheumatoid arthritis" 13 September at 09:00 in Biomedicum, room D1012, Solnavägen 9, Karolinska Institutet, Solna and via Zoom.
Holmdahl, Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik
13 september 9:00 am
Petrén lecture hall, Nobels väg 12B, Solna
Campus Solna
"Unravelling host-bacterial interactions using tissue microbiology approaches"
Neurovetenskap, Forskning, Richter-Dahlfors, Team Melican, AIMES
13 september 9:00 am
Sankt Erik Eye Hospital, Lecture hall -1 floor, Eugeniavägen 12, Solna
St. Erik Eye Hospital
Title: Hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Clinical presentation and aetiology.
Klinisk neurovetenskap, Neuro, Hyllienmark
13 september 9:00 am
Konference Room Gene, NEO building, Blickagången 16
Campus Flemingsberg
Strategies for Expanding Organ Availability and Improving Transplant Outcomes
Klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik, Transplantation
KI webbförvaltning