New survey to strengthen KI's work on equal opportunities

During the beginning of the autumn semester, KI-students will receive an important survey in their inbox. It is a survey on equal opportunities for students that is sent out with the aim to further develop KI's preventive work against discrimination.
The anonymous survey will be sent to all program students at KI who are studying their second semester or above. In the survey, students will get the opportunity to share their experiences and risks of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, reprisals and discriminatory abuse. The purpose is to receive data to evaluate KI's work on preventing discrimination and working for an inclusive and good working environment for students. The survey was commissioned by the Committee for Higher Education (KU) and developed by the Sustainable development and Equal opportunities office.
"KI has zero tolerance against any form of discrimination and we also have an obligation to work preventively against discrimination and harassment. The survey will be an important part of our work to work for equal rights and a good study environment", says Annika Östman Wernerson, Academic Vice President of Higher Education and chairperson for KU.
Will complement current work on equal opportunities
In KI's strategy 2030, equal rights and a good study environment are listed as prerequisites for good quality in education. Today, KI works preventively with equal opportunities and has routines in place to receive incident reports via, among other things, an incident reporting system. Student evaluations has been done in the past but there has been no recent survey that focus on all seven grounds for discrimination. This survey is now being carried out to supplement KI's existing work on equal opportunities, to meet KI's internal goals and to meet the requirements of the Discrimination Act.

Could become a permanent feature
The survey that is being sent out this autumn is a first survey, a so-called pilot, and is open for about two weeks. The results will be gathered in a final report to be evaluated and followed up by KU and KI's institutions. It is possible that the survey will become a permanent and recurring feature in KI's quality system.
"A recent national survey on the prevalence of gender-based and sexual harassment within the academic sector showed, among other things, that women and students are vulnerable groups. It is important that we gain more knowledge about the students' experiences in order to implement more effective and targeted measures", says Annika Östman Wernerson.
Students involved
The survey has been prepared with a reference group where students, teachers and directors of education have been represented.
"To provide the students' perspective, the equal treatment commission at MF has represented the student unions in this project. For us at the student unions, it is important that we participate and influence to improve the working environment of all students", says Astrid Östholm, Vice President of Medicinska Föreningen (MF).
Where do I find the survey?
- The survey has been sent out to program students studying on semester 2 or above. It was sent to the e-mail address you registered in Ladok.
- Search your inbox, or spam folder, for the sender "Karolinska Institutet". The email was sent on Friday 7/10.
Equal opportunities at KI
- KI has zero tolerance towards discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, reprisals and discriminatory abuse. Read more about equal opportunities for students.
- KI must work preventively against discrimination linked to all seven grounds of discrimination: Sex, transgender identity or expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, religion or other belief, disability. KI must also work with inclusion linked to social background.
- If something has happened - link to the incident reporting system