Seven new professors to support KI’s educational development
We are now initiating the recruitment of seven new professors in a strategic effort to reinforce the educational development of our programmes and to improve the conditions for a close collaboration between research and education.
Annika Östman Wernerson, Academic Vice President for Higher Education, says that this is a long-awaited initiative, which shows that KI is committed to its entire operation, including education, third-cycle studies and research.
“Previously, KI has primarily recruited based on the research needs. Now, we are seeing a great need to reinforce the educational expertise, and this is why these professors will specialise in education. We have two core missions at KI: research and education, and there must be equal opportunities to have a career in both,” says Annika Östman Wernerson.
The decision to appoint these new professorships was taken by the Faculty Board in September, among other reasons as a result of the department feedback regarding teaching capacity. During the spring, the deans and heads of department proposed subjects where they deemed the need to be the greatest, the academic vice presidents then prepared a number of proposals, and finally the faculty board made a decision.
Important signal

“The process that has resulted in this investment is a result of our developed quality management system. A need has been identified, and thanks to broad collaboration within KI, a decision has been made to establish these appointments. This initiative is not enough to cover our educational needs, but it sends an important signal. It shows that this career path is open to the employees who want to devote themselves to both education and research,” says Annika Östman Wernerson.
The seven subjects are general medicine specialising in education; physiology and/or pharmacology; medical teaching methods; neuroscience; nursing; oral health and disease; and reproductive health. In the event that there are not enough applicants within one of the subjects, there are two backup subjects: clinical pathology and clinical ethics in medicine.
“The goal is to have seven new appointments, and we are keen to start the recruitment as soon as possible. It is important for KI to show the possibility of becoming a professor specialising in education, if we are to convince more young teachers to take on the task of leading and developing our education programmes,” says Annika Östman Wernerson.
Ensuring a high-quality education

The appointed professors are expected to assume a large responsibility in leading the development of educational activities within their field, in order to ensure a high-quality education with strong ties to research.
If it should prove difficult to find the right candidates for these professorships, it may be possible to offer senior lectureships instead. Each appointment is combined with a bonus of SEK 1 million for three years. The initiative will be followed-up on an annual basis, and an evaluation is carried out after the full period.
“This strategic investment is completely in line with our new strategy, which states that education and research must benefit from one another. Something that requires the ties between education and research to be reinforced. I am convinced that these new professorships will be a decisive contribution to this development,” says Ole Petter Ottersen, President of KI.
In line with Strategy 2030
This initiative is in line with Strategy 2030, which states that:
- There are to be synergies between education and research.
- Establish incentive structures, funding and resource allocation that promotes a collaborative KI, where education and research reinforce one another.
- An untapped potential is found in closer interaction between education and research.
- The education and research are to be mutually beneficial.
- As a rule, KI’s employees must both conduct research and participate in education.
Seven areas get new professors
Subject area and department
General medicine specialising in education, NVS
Physiology and/or pharmacology, FyFa
Medical teaching methods, UoL (and one department)
Neuroscience, Neuro
Nursing, NVS
Oral health and disease, Dentmed
Reproductive health, KBH
Backup subjects and departments
Clinical pathology, OnkPat
Clinical ethics in medicine, LIME