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The “Iuliu Hațieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca in collaboration with NeurotechEU invites KI students and PhDs to a Erasmus+ BIP Mobility opportunity “Summer School of Brain Mapping and Stimulation Techniques” in September 2024 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Audience: Medarbetare
The KI Network Medicine Alliance (KI NMA) steering group is pleased to announce the availability of limited competitive funds for grant applications by KI faculty, staff and/or students to conduct collaborative interactions within the fields of network medicine, systems medicine and AI.

Don’t miss this opportunity. Application deadline September 16, 2024.
Audience: Medarbetare
In 2021, Makerere University in Uganda and Karolinska Institutet established the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Health based on their strong partnership. The Centre aims to develop capacity and mobilise actions to drive the agenda for sustainable health. We asked the current and former Chairs of the steering committee about the Centre's significance and its impact.
Audience: Medarbetare
What next for SiiUSS?
Sustainability, inclusiveness, integration for University support services (SiiUss) is the name of a project and joint initiative between University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD). After the successful running of the pilot project in 2023, with ten delegates, five from each partner institution, SiiUSS recently took its show to Japan.
Audience: Medarbetare
Junior researchers are invited, by the Internationalisation board, to apply for funding for collaboration with partners in low- and middle-income countries in Africa in 2025. The level of funding is 50,000 to 100,000 SEK. Deadline for applications is September 3, 2024.
Audience: Medarbetare
Welcome to a SDU - KI joint symposia on structural biology and cancer research
Monday 17 June at 10.15 - 17.00 at BioClinicum J3:14, Kerstin Hagenfelt Auditorium
No registration needed. Coffe/tea and lunch is served.
Audience: Medarbetare
University of Bonn awards scholarships to NeurotechEU-students for an on-site Intensive German language course in September 2024
Audience: Medarbetare
On May 25, the Swedish Institute (SI) hosted a diploma ceremony at Stockholm's City Hall, celebrating its scholarship recipients. Among the scholars were seven students from Karolinska Institutet (KI) on site.
Karolinska Institutet has been invited by STINT (The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education) to nominate two candidates and a backup candidate to participate in the exchange programme for teaching staff called Teaching Sabbatical.
Audience: Medarbetare
In March Louisa Cheung and Rachel Fisher at the Department of Medicine Solna, travelled to Vilnius University in Lithuania to participate in a “BalticSeaBioMed” network meeting.
Audience: Medarbetare
The Internationalisation Board has set aside SEK 200,000 for activities or projects that promote internationalisation at home for education at the undergraduate and advanced level.
Audience: Medarbetare
Karolinska Institutet (KI) and Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Charité) have entered into a bilateral agreement. The Internationalisation Board at KI is pleased to announce the availability of limited competitive funds for KI faculty and staff for grant applications to strengthen collaborative interactions within research and education.
Audience: Medarbetare
How is the University Alliance Stockholm Trio working to influence the EU's research agenda and what potential impact will the EU election have on research and education in Europe? We asked three questions to Dan Andrée, senior advisor at the university alliance's office in Brussels.
Audience: Medarbetare
The theme was sustainability.
Deans of dental programmes, education and research managers from universities in Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland gathered for the second Nordic Dean Meeting here in Sweden. The programme included lectures on sustainability and group discussions that resulted in cross-border collaborations.
Audience: Medarbetare
Universitetstandvården, Odontologi
Call for applications for the Santander International Exchange Grants
Audience: Medarbetare
Global health challenges are the focal point of two collaborative projects coordinated by KI: WISDOM and Changemaker. Under its pillar II "Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness" programme, Horizon Europe has awarded the projects a total grant of EUR 14 million, of which KI controls the equivalent of just over EUR 3 million.
Radboud University in collaboration with NeurotechEU invites KI students and PhDs to a summer school in “Neurotechnologies in Cellular and Systems Neuroscience”
Audience: Medarbetare
Karolinska Institutet and Makerere University in Uganda have been working together for over 20 years. In 2021 they established a Centre based on their strong partnership to bring people together, recognize their health challenges and mobilize actions towards well-being. Today the Centre provides tools, resources and training programs for researchers, students, professionals and policy makers globally.
Catherine J. Wu, of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, USA, is a pioneer in research that may result in the development of personalised vaccines to treat cancer. She is now awarded the Sjöberg Prize, worth one million US dollars, for her work. Catherine J. Wu will give a lecture in Aula Medica at KI on April 12 in connection with the Karolinska CCC Day.
The EU Horizon Changemaker project, led by Kristi Sidney Annerstedt, on sustainable adolescent nutrition in Kenya, Tanzania and Burkina Faso, successfully completed the first Consortium meeting.
Audience: Medarbetare
Global folkhälsa
International Summer School of Research Internship on Basic Medical Sciences at Shandong University during the summer of 2024.
Audience: Medarbetare
Global Research Immersion Program for Young Scientists (GripS) at Fudan university during the summer of 2024.
Audience: Medarbetare
Nina Viberg and Tobias Alfvén have received funding from the Swedish Institute for a one year project to support Ukrainian PhD students and young researchers. The aim of the project is to build capacity for PhD student and young researcher so that they can effectively contribute to health systems strengthening especially for children and adolescents in deoccupied territories in Ukraine.
Audience: Medarbetare
In February 2024, the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Health and GPH colleagues had the pleasure to accompany Vice President Martin Bergö to Makerere University in Uganda, a long-term partner of Karolinska Institutet. During the visit the vice president was introduced to the Karolinska Institutet – Makerere collaboration and got the possibility to meet colleagues and see different projects.
Audience: Medarbetare
Global folkhälsa, GPH
Shanghai Jiao Tong University offers an opportunity to apply for a Summer Research Internship for the summer of 2024. Deadline for application May 30.
Audience: Medarbetare
The BIGS Neuroscience Summer School provides a systematic and comprehensive introduction to key neuroscience topics for first- to second-year PhD students in June 2024.
Audience: Medarbetare
The Instituto de Neurociencias (San Juan de Alicante, Spain) offers up to 6 International Scholarships for the “Master’s Degree in Neurosciences: from the bench to the bedside” during Oct 2024 - June 2025.
Audience: Medarbetare
KTH, SU, and KI, also called the Stockholm Trio, have joined forces for climate action. Part of this collaboration has been a student competition with the overarching theme ”Climate and Health.” Over a two-week period, teams of students have collaborated to tackle challenges on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make the city more resilient to the effects of climate change.
Audience: Medarbetare
Are you thinking of applying for an exchange while studying a programme at KI, but don’t know where to start? Get inspiration from a current exchange student and read the answers to some of the most common questions.
Reykjavik University (the Institute for Biomedical and Neural Engineering) provides Masters students and PhD candidates in neuroscientific disciplines, bioengineering, clinical or neuro psychology, data science, and neurobiological sciences, with an opportunity to participate in a summer school (on site) during May 28th - 30th 2024. Last day of application March 8. If questions and/or interested contact Mia Bjerke.
Audience: Medarbetare
KI bachelor, master’s and doctoral students of KI within the fields of biomedicine and life sciences are invited to apply to the 7th International BonnBrain³ Conference hosted by the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, in collaboration with the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior – caesar.
Audience: Medarbetare
The organisation Students for Sustainable Development (SSD) is run by KI students who are passionate about environmental and sustainability issues. The group organizes everything from seminars and workshops to clothing exchange days and movie nights.
Karolinska Institutet is one of 24 partners in AD-RIDDLE, a collaborative project that aims to increase healthcare providers' ability to diagnose, prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease. The project, supported by, among others, the EU's Innovative Health Initiative (IHI), started in January 2024 and will run for five years.
An article in The Conversation written by a KI researcher broke a record in the number of readers. Associate Professor Karin Modig's article on centenarian biomarkers received almost 2.4 million reads and was translated into several languages.
Zambia is currently experiencing the worst cholera outbreak in over two decades. The acute diarrhoeal disease can be deadly if not treated, however with rapid and correct help, the majority of people affected can be treated successfully. The Centre for Health Crises as seconded members of staff to cholera outbreaks before, and on the 26th of January, Caroline de Groot went to Zambia, via the Centre’s collaboration with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).
The eastern mediterranean region is currently facing a brewing health crisis, brought on not least by the war in Gaza. The danger of spread of infectious diseases means that effective epidemiological surveillance and action is key. To assist in these efforts, the Centre for Health Crises has seconded epidemiologist Moa Herrgård via our membership in WHO’s Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN).
The European Research Council (ERC) awards a Starting Grant to promising young investigators in a variety of research fields, to kick off their careers. Alessandro Furlan, Assistant Professor at the Department of Neuroscience, who investigates how the brain and body work together to regulate critical physiological processes, is one of the early-stage scientists to be awarded this five-year grant.
To facilitate new and existing contacts between researchers and doctoral students as well as increase research collaboration with the University of Edinburgh, KI’s Internationalisation Board is pleased to announce the availability of limited competitive funds for a lab visit.
Audience: Medarbetare
As part of an initiative with Imperial College London, Karolinska Institutet aims to stimulate doctoral student networking and interaction between KI doctoral students and doctoral students at Imperial College.
Audience: Medarbetare
In February, Vice President Martin Bergö visited Makerere University in Uganda, a long-term partner of Karolinska Institutet. As the chairman of the steering committee for the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Health (CESH), a collaborative initiative between Karolinska Institutet and Makerere University, he met his counterparts at the university and the college of health sciences, toured research sites, discussed global health challenges, and met with alumni and partners.
Audience: Medarbetare
Both programs have been running since 2020 at the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Health - a collaboration between Karolinska Institutet and Makerere University in Uganda.
Audience: Medarbetare
Master and doctoral students of KI in (bio)medicine, pharmacology, biotechnology and life sciences – join us to explore and address global challenges posed by infectious diseases.

Audience: Medarbetare
The Unit for Teaching and Learning (TL) invites you to this Spring's webinars aimed at educators. On the 7th February you are welcome to learn more about the method "Story circles" and how to use it in your teaching.
Audience: Medarbetare
The Neuroscience Internship Program Bonn, co-funded by NeurotechEU, provides bachelor and master students with an opportunity to engage in hands-on lab experiences within the field of neuroscience and neurotechnology. Last day for application Feb 29 (updated dead line)
If accepted to the program there is a possibillity to apply for travel grants. Contact Mia Bjerke.
Audience: Medarbetare
The newly launched global training programme, Leadership for Transformative Change, gathers 22 leaders from all over the world who are working to contribute to transformative social development in their countries. The programme is offered by Uppsala University in collaboration with Karolinska Institutet, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).
The Master's programme is a collaboration between Karolinska Institutet, Universidad de Oviedo in Spain and the University of Nicosia in Cyprus.
The internationalisation board is pleased to announce the availability of limited competitive funds for grant applications to strengthen collaborative interactions within oral health and innovations.
Audience: Medarbetare
On 6 December, the European Commission published the names of the experts appointed to its newly established working groups on science diplomacy. Maja Fjaestad, expert coordinator at the Centre for Health Crises and affiliated to research at the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME), is one of two Swedish university researchers who will be part of the working groups. The working groups will develop a potential future European framework for science diplomacy.
The University of Toronto invites doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows at KI to apply to the summer course “Summer in Design” given by “Medicine in Design” given the 10-19th of June 2024.
Audience: Medarbetare
Dementia diseases cost Swedish society around SEK 80 billion per year. The EU has now awarded funding to the Prominent project, which aims to improve both diagnostics and treatment for these diseases. Karolinska Institutet is responsible for the project in the role of coordinator.
KI webbförvaltning