Published: 02-09-2020 11:00 | Updated: 03-11-2021 16:24

KI adopting a new information management strategy

Photo: Pexels

Karolinska Institutet's information management strategy was developed in Spring 2019 and is part of Strategy 2030. The aim is to create concrete, common and established ways forward for the management of information and data at Karolinska Institutet.

Sabine Koch. Photo: Sherry Fahimi

We asked Sabine Koch, head of the steering committée when developing the strategy and member of the programme managment for its implementation, also professor of health informatics at the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, to tell us a little more about the programme that will help implement the strategy.

What do you actually mean by information management?

"Information management is about collecting, organising, storing and managing information in such a way that it can be used effectively and safely."

What are the main areas of focus for the moment?

"For the moment we are focusing on three main areas; the process for managing research information, data collection from Region Stockholm and cooperation with the Centre for Health Data, as well as the transition to coordinated IT operations."

How will this affect me as a user?

"To put it plainly, it should easy to do it right. The ambition is that it will become easier to find information about KI's research, provide better support for secure storage of research data and remote access to KI's IT infrastructure."

"In addition, Cinicum, a support structure for managing clinical research, will be set up."

"The support for standard IT services will be centrally controlled, however, with local helpdesks being deployed on campus."

What is your role in this project?

"My role is to try and meet the needs of researchers and teachers to ensure that the IT support and processes that will be put in place are efficient and as much as possible avoid any hassle factors. Right now, we have involved approximately 80 researchers and teachers to ensure that the right prioritisations are made, and not least the reuse of already existing successful structures, ideas and thoughts.

How have you spent the summer?

"This summer it's been staycation in Sweden, with a lot of outdoor activities."
