Call for Nominations: The Pedagogical Prize 2025
Nomination deadline: March 11, 2025
The prize is awarded annually to individual teachers, teacher teams or administrative personnel who have undertaken significant educational initiatives related to pedagogical development or renewal work within Karolinska Institutet’s programmes at first cycle, second cycle or postgraduate levels.
The prize winner is selected by the Committee for Higher Education based on proposals from a special prize committee, which also includes a representative from the Committee for Doctoral Education. When selecting the prize winner, the prize committee looks specifically at the following factors:
- Educational innovation (innovations, development and improvement work)
- Educational impact (local, national, international)
- Educational leadership
Candidates for the prize can be nominated by teachers, students, doctoral students, and other staff working at KI. From 2013, KI’s educational prize also includes educational efforts in postgraduate education. The prize committee therefore also welcomes nominations regarding efforts within KI’s postgraduate education.
Those who are employed at KI are entitled to be nominated.
The prize can be shared among up to 3 winners. A member of the prize committee cannot be awarded the prize.
The nomination is made on the nomination form below and sent to no later than March 11th.