We congratulate Francesca Castoldi at BioNut

Francesca Castoldi, at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition (BioNut), KI, has been awarded a research grant of 300 000 SEK from the Alex and Eva Wallström Foundation for scientific research and education.
Congratulations to Francesca Castoldi, BioNut, who has received the Alex and Eva Wallström Foundation's medical research grant. The purpose of the foundation is to support scientific research, instruction and education in the fields of rheumatism and cancer. Grants may be awarded to the same project for up to three times.
Francesca is a postdoctoral researcher in Federico Pietrocola's research group at BioNut, KI. With the support from the Foundation, Francesca will study the pathological role of cellular senescence in the stroma of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Her work will shed new light on the link between ageing and cancer.