Thesis on socioeconomic influences on late-life health and mortality
Title: Socioeconomic influences on late-life health and mortality : exploring genetic and environmental interplay

On Friday October 4, Malin Ericsson will defend her thesis "Socioeconomic influences on late-life health and mortality : exploring genetic and environmental interplay". Her opponent will be Professor Merete Osler from the Department of Public Health at University of Copenhagen. Malin's supervisors are associate professor Anna Dahl Aslan Jönköping University, Professor Nancy Pedersen from MEB and Associate professor Stefan Fors from the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society Aging Research Center (ARC), KI.
The objective of Malin's thesis was to increase the understanding of socioeconomic differences in health and mortality in old age - in a genetically informative setting. Data from the Swedish Twin Registry (STR), different statistical methods, and family-based designs were applied to investigate socioeconomic circumstances over the life-course and how these affect cognitive function, frailty, and mortality in late life.
Time: 09:00
Location: Lecture hall Atrium, Nobels väg 12B, Campus Solna