The Unit for Bioentrepreneurship joins forces with EIT Health to create “Co-up Lab

The Unit for Bioentrepreneurship is joining forces with EIT Health to mix the concept of Makerspace, pop-up space and creative education into "Co-up Lab".
The participants are invited to an “incubation process” that includes getting hands-on experience and learning of entrepreneuring. It includes communication, business methodologies, storytelling, patient empowerment, design thinking and co-creation methodologies.
The novelty is that it brings students from the classical academic setting to real life settings; the pop-up educational space will ”occupy” places like the entrance of a Stockholm hospital.
Co-creation is key as the participants will co-create with people passing by. The project involves a wide range of partners such as Tekniska Muséet, The Region Stockholm Innovation Hub SÖS, MSD, GE health care and Barcelona Medical University.
On 9 May 2019 our first pop-up was created at the KI library, Campus Flemingsberg.
The programme will run during the autumn 2019.