Participants sought for studies Are you a woman aged 65-79 who wants to train and strengthen the skeleton?
We are looking for participants in a training study where the purpose is to compare two different training methods to strengthen the skeleton and improve balance and strength. We are researching the effects and perceptions of training with OsteoStrong compared to physical training in individuals at high fracture risk.

Who can apply
We are looking for women aged 65 to 79 years with or without a previous osteoporotic fracture. We are looking for women without ongoing treatment with osteoporosis drugs and who have not had treatment in the last five years. Treatment with calcium and vitamin D is allowed.
How the study is done
We have started to include study participants now. The study participants will be randomized to either train at OsteoStrong or in a group with training leaders. The training will take place 1-2 times/week for 9 months. The training is free and will be held in Stockholm.
How to apply/Contact details
If you have questions and/or want to participate in the study, please contact researcher Christina Kaijser Alin, e-mail:
Christina Kaijser Alin
Affiliated to ResearchHelena Salminen
Senior Lecturer/Specialist PhysicianProcessing of personal data
Your personal data is processed for the purposes of this study in accordance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The legal entity responsible for processing of your personal data is Karolinska Institutet. The Data Protection Officer can be reached at The data will be analyzed on a group level, handled confidentially and it will be stored in a secure database at Karolinska Institutet. You can terminate your participation in the study at any time.