Published: 25-10-2023 16:21 | Updated: 13-12-2023 14:41
Inauguration ceremony of new Professors- Congratulations Tobias Alfvén!

Tobias Alfvén, Professor of Global Child Health at the Department of Global Public Health.
Photo: Private
Karolinska Institutet organizes every fall an Installation Ceremony where new professors at KI are presented and academic prizes are awarded. Leader for the research group Global Child Health and the Sustainable Development Goals Tobias Alfvén was one of the 17 new professors that were ceremoniously installed at KI on 12 October.
After an evening in Aula Medica full of music speeches, fanfares and applause, KI has installed its new professors. Friends, family and colleagues attended the ceremnoy to congratulate Tobias Alfvén, who has been appointed professor of global child health.
The ceremony took place Ocotber 12 in Aula Medica, Karolinska Institutet.