Participants sought for studies Does your child have mental health problems? Participants sought for studies

Does your child have contact with the healthcare system for mental health problems? Researchers at Karolinska Institutet are seeking participants aged 11-15 to participate in a study on how pain relates to mental health. Participants will receive gift vouchers worth SEK 1 000.

child talking to adult who is taking notes
Photo: Foto: Getty Image

The aim of the study is to investigate how pain regulation in children and adolescents relates to mental health. The application has been approved by the Swedish Ethical Review Authority.

How does the study work?

The study involves two visits, approximately 18 months apart, to measure pain sensitivity using pressure and cold. The tests are safe and are customised to your child's pain level. Your child will also be asked to complete a number of questionnaires. The study takes about 3 hours in total to complete. The visits take place at 69 Norra Stationgatan. 

Who can take part in the study?

Researchers are looking for children and young people aged 11 to 15 who:

- Have upcoming or ongoing contact with health care due to mental health problems
- Speak and understand Swedish


Moa Pontén

licensed psychologist and postdoc

Processing of personal data

Your personal data is processed for the purposes of this study in accordance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The legal entity responsible for processing of your personal data is Karolinska Institutet. The Data Protection Officer can be reached at The data will be analyzed on a group level, handled confidentially and it will be stored in a secure database at Karolinska Institutet. You can terminate your participation in the study at any time.