Cardiac arrest app developers receive The prize for Innovation and Utilization, 2024
Jacob Hollenberg, Mattias Ringh and Leif Svensson, at the Department of Clinical Research and Education, Södersjukhuset at Karolinska Institutet, are awarded for using innovative technology to develop an outstanding app and method, which increases the chance of survival for people who have suffered a cardiac arrest .

Professor Jacob Hollenberg, associate professor Mattias Ringh and adjunct professor Leif Svensson are awarded the Prize for Innovation and Utilization, in 2024.
Together with the research group at the Cardiac Arrest Center and KI Innovations, they have developed the SMS lifesaver app. The app, which is now operated by the company Heartrunner, alerts volunteer so-called "lifesavers" to the place where someone has suffered a cardiac arrest.The volunteers initiate life-saving measures, which increase the chances of saving the life of the person who has suffered the cardiac arrest.
The prize committee's justification:
Jacob Hollenberg, Mattias Ringh and Leif Svensson have conducted research in the area of cardiac arrest for 20 years. They developed an idea to alert civilian volunteers to the scene of a cardiac arrest using an app on their mobile phones. The purpose of the alarm system was to increase the proportion of patients who receive early life-saving interventions in the form of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillation, thereby significantly improving the chances of survival. Through curiosity, initiative, entrepreneurship and perseverance, they have succeeded in proving the usefulness of the system, and through the company they started - Heartrunner - have succeeded in implementing it in large parts of Sweden and throughout Denmark. Their innovation affects thousands of people every year who suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. More than 250,000 participants have joined the project and they have presented research data in prestigious journals. Their data has also led to international recommendations to alert volunteer lifeguards across Europe.
About the award
Starting in 2022 Karolinska Institutet awarded a prize for innovation and utilization.
The prize will be awarded to one or more active researchers/research students (employed, adjunct or affiliated with KI).
The prize is awarded to one or more researchers who distinguished themselves through outstanding utilization of research results that led to an innovation
The winner is celebrated at Karolinska Institutet´s installation ceremony/inauguration of professors, which is held in Aula Medica in October.