Ulrica Nilsson winner of the Swedish Association of Health Professionals Prize 2021

One of three finalists, Ulrica Nilsson, professor of nursing at NVS, wins the prize for RAPP – an app for digital integrated people-centered care.
Ulrica holds a combined position, which means also working as a specialist nurse at the Karolinska University Hospital, and she appreciates the connection between clinical work and research.
Together with her research group, she has developed an application for follow-up after outpatient surgeries. Through the app, patients can report symptoms or contact a nurse for advice and support. The tool offers accessible care based on the patients needs, allowing for caregiver responsibility while also showing trust and shifting power to the patients. There is evidence that the app is cost effective, in addition to making the patients feel safe and noticed, with fewer symptoms and complaints post-surgery. In a longer perspective, it also allows for health care to improve on care and self-care for this group, based on input from the patients. The app is a brilliant example of how to conduct future people-centered care with digital support.
What was your thoughts when you were announced as the winner?
– I was very proud and pleased, as this is an award that you are nominated for, not something you apply for. It shows that other people see the work of our research group as important, and evidence based.
How will you use the prize sum?
– It will go towards continued development. We are releasing an updated version in 2021 that supports all legal requirements, but there is always more to develop.
What happens with the app now – what are the challenges to implement it in health care?
– We will use it in future research projects. We also hope that the implementation into the health care system will be speeded up. There are care givers already using our digital solution, and many more that are interested. The biggest challenge is not with health care and patients, because they all want the concept, but to get funded so we can pay the people who are working with development, support, contacts with health care and so on. Hopefully, this prize will bring some attention and attract future investors or buyers!