Published: 24-02-2023 16:23 | Updated: 27-06-2024 13:57
StratNeuro Call 2023: Collaborative Neuroscience Research Projects

Genre image by Nattanan Kanchanprat downloaded from Pixabay.
Photo: Creative Commons CC0
StratNeuro announces grants for Collaborative Neuroscience Research Projects.
This funding will support new multidisciplinary collaborations for high risk/high impact research projects in all areas of Neuroscience. The aim is to promote multidisciplinary research though new and innovative collaborations of outstanding scientific quality.
- One main applicant from Karolinska Institutet (KI). Main applicant must be employed at KI (minimum 50%).
- One co-applicant employed at or affiliated with KI, or the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), or Umeå University (UmU).
- Applicants must hold a position at the Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor level (or equivalent)
Grant amount and conditions
- Maximum grant amount: 3 MSEK/project over a 2-year period.
- Applicants can only contribute to one proposal.
- Researchers with previously funded StratNeuro Collaborative grants are not eligible to apply with the same project or the same combination of applicants.
- Researchers with ongoing StratNeuro funding (overlapping with the disposition time of the grant in this call) are excluded from applying.
- Please note that previous unspent funding from StratNeuro precludes additional funding.
Main section criteria
- Collaborative synergies of the project
- Scientific quality
- Merits of the applicants
To include in your letter of intent (LOI)
- Title page: contact information, affiliation, and a project abstract (maximum 200 words, 1 page).
- Project: description of the research and collaborative potential including preliminary results (11 points Arial font, maximum 2 pages including figures and references).
- Scientific merits: description of the relevant merits of the main applicant and the co-applicant, including a list of 5 key publications (maximum 2 pages).
LOI's must be received (as a single PDF file) bu 16:00 on 21 April 2023.
Email submissions to
Selection process
- LOIs will be evaluated and scored by the StratNeuro Board members.
- The evaluation process is based on the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) evaluation criteria.
- The 8-10 highest ranked applications will be invited to submit a 5-page research proposal. The full proposal will be evaluated by external experts.
- Full proposals must be submitted before the 29 June 2023. Details will be communicated after the LOI evaluation.
- Applicants that have been invited to submit a full application will be notified of funding decisions by the end of August 2023.
- Awardees will be required to present their project and progress at the StratNeuro retreat and meetings.
Questions, LOI's and completed applications should be submitted as PDF files to: