Published: 04-04-2022 12:20 | Updated: 07-04-2022 09:07
StratNeuro Call 2022 - Funding for postdoctoral researchers

Flow of money.
Photo: Pixabay: Olya Adamovich
The Stategic Research Area Neuroscience, StratNeuro, announces up to ten grants to support postdoctoral researchers at Karolinska Institutet. This StratNeuro funding aims to support outstanding postdoctoral researchers in basic and clinical neuroscience.
- Applicants must currently have a post doc position (employment or affiliation) at KI
- Applicants must have started their postdoc before 1 October 2020.
- The duration of the postdoc position must not exceed six years by the 31 December 2023
- Postdocs awarded the StratNeuro postdoc grant in 2020 are not eligible to apply
Grant amount
750,000 SEK which can only be used to support the salary of the applicant.
Selection criteria
The main selection criteria will be:
- Scientific quality of the project, including preliminary data
- Novelty and originality
- Merits of the postdoctoral researcher (note: the postdoc is the applicant, not the group leader)
- The application must include the following (typeface/font Arial 11 pt):
- Title page: 1 page with contact information, group affiliation and a project summary of maximum 150 words.
- Project description: maximum 3 pages including preliminary data, figures, project time frame, and references.
- Biographical sketch of the postdoctoral applicant, including current/pending sources of support and a list of the 5 most relevant publications (max 2 pages)
- Motivation: maximum 200 words describing how the StratNeuro funding will promote completion of the project
- Document signed by the head of department and the head of administration, that includes:
- certificate of the applicant’s employment or affiliation (i.e. confirming the applicant’s employment or affiliation, including date when the postdoc position started)
- statement agreeing to host the researcher during the project.
Submissions open from 4 April until 4 May 2022 at 17:00. Email submissions to
Selection process
- Applications will be externally reviewed
- The review process will be conducted in agreement with the evaluation criteria of the Swedish Research Council
- The grant cannot be used to finance stipends
- Last date of disposal for this grant is 31 December 2023. Funds that have not been used within this time will be transferred back to StratNeuro