StratNeuro awards new Technology Grant

The Strategic Research Area Neuroscience, StratNeuro, awards a total of 6,400,000 SEK to support new technologies and methods to study the nervous system.
The StratNeuro board received 21 applications for this grant, which were evaluated first by an internal reviewer panel consisting of StratNeuro board members. This internal review step ranked the top eight proposals that were subsequently sent for external review by the following panel:
- Malin Parmar, Lund University
- Johan Holmberg, Umeå University
- Satu Palva, Helsinki University
- Michael Schöll, Gothenburg University
After the external evaluation, the StratNeuro Board decided to fund the four top ranked submissions (overall success rate of ~19%).
StratNeuro will allocate in total 6,400,000 SEK to fund this initiative, each project receiving 800,000 SEK/year for two years.
The awardees are (alphabetical order according to the applicant’s last name):
- Emma R Andersson, Karolinska Institutet, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
- "Cranial placode targeting: beyond state-of-the-art manipulation of neurogenic placodes."
- Onur Dagliyan, Karolinska Institutet, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics
- "Subcellular visualization and manipulation of protein activities in the brain of awake mouse."
- Janos Fuzik, Karolinska Institutet, Department of Neuroscience
- "Synaptic connectivity and neuronal identity of the same circuit by spatial transcriptomics of all-optical voltage-imaged synaptic connectome."
- Per Uhlén, Karolinska Institutet, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics
- "Whole-Brain Multiplexed Transcriptional Imaging."
StratNeuro is committed to transparency and gender equality
The overall success rate was 19 percent. The proportion of women among the total applicants was 24 percent, and this approximate gender proportion was the same among the top eitht proposals that were sent for external review (two out of eight), as well as among those awarded the grant (one out of four). This represents on average a lower proportion of women applicants compared to other StratNeuro calls (approximately 33 percent).
The StratNeuro Board is deeply committed to promote diversity in the neuroscience community and encourages a more gender-balanced and diverse pool of applicants.