Stratneuro announces grants for Visiting Scholars - StratNeuro Call 2024

The StratNeuro Visiting Scholars funding aims to attract outstanding scholars from non-Swedish universities for short-term visits (1-6 months long). This call aims to support new international collaborations and scientific exchange within the Karolinska Institutet Neuroscience community. We encourage applications for Visiting Scholars from our NeurotechEU partner universities. For the Visiting Scholar this is an opportunity to engage with neuroscientists at the Karolinska Institutet.
Call for applications
The funding is granted for a period of a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 6 months starting during the calendar half-year that follows closest to the time of application. The grant is intended to cover costs that the guest incurs by their stay in Sweden (travel, dual residence, health insurance, etc.).
The time and activities are flexible and should be decided by the Visiting Scholar together with the inviting faculty at KI. Example of activities include research, mentorship, and teaching. The Visiting Scholar is expected to participate and contribute to the wider neuroscience community at Karolinska Institutet during the visit.
The Visiting Scholar must be an outstanding researcher, with a proven track record of scientific independence, and employed at the junior-senior academic level (assistant, associate, or full professor grade or equivalent) at a non-Swedish university and cannot have been employed in Sweden or affiliated at KI in the past 3 years before the application deadline.
The hosting KI faculty must have ensured that their department agrees to host the Visiting Scholar and that appropriate administrative procedures are followed. The StratNeuro faculty will act as hosts for the StratNeuro Visiting Scholar and are responsible for arranging the visit including providing appropriate administrative and departmental support.
Grant amount and conditions
- StratNeuro will fund travel, housing and other costs associated with the visit (max. 50,000 SEK/month).
- The funding does not include salary costs.
- Funding must be used in Sweden within the time and for the purpose stated in the application.
- Payment can be made to the guest researcher’s bank account in their home country (depending on which country it applies to),
- Payment may also be paid to the host lab if the above is not possible.
- StratNeuro will not reimburse allowances, "overhead" costs or other surcharges.
- The host can only submit one application for visiting scholar at each application time.
- Applicants who already have an ongoing StratNeuro support for a visiting scholar cannot apply for another visiting scholar grant.
Application and evaluation process
- Applications for this call are made by one or two KI faculty who are proposing to host the Visiting Scholar.
- Applications can be submitted twice per year. Deadlines are as follows:
- 15 March 2024 (no later than 23:59).
- 15 October 2024 (no later than 23:59),
- The application should consist of:
- CV with 10 selected publications for the Visiting Scholar (two pages).
- Description of planned activities, including how the visit will broadly benefit neuroscience researchers at Karolinska Institutet, and planned start date (one page).
- Letter of support from hosting faculty member (one page).
- Budget specifying costs of the visit.
- Evaluation:
- Applications will be assessed by the StratNeuro Board.
- Decisions will be made approximately one month after the application deadline.
Email submissions to