Published: 02-09-2022 13:02 | Updated: 02-09-2022 13:02

Professor Magnus Ingelman-Sundberg is awarded the R.T. Williams Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award

Magnus Ingelman-Sundberg at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology is awarded with the R.T. Williams Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award 2022. In recognition of his outstanding scientific contributions in the field of drug research.

Professor Magnus Ingelman-Sundberg Photo: Johannes Frandsén

The main aim of the ISSX Society is to foster and encourage inter-disciplinary, innovative science relating to the disposition, metabolism and biological effects of drugs and other xenobiotics. The RT The Williams Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award is given to an ISSX member in the world who has made significant and distinguished scientific contributions to the field over an extended period. The focus of this award is the individual's scientific achievements and aims to recognize the best scientist in the field, internationally. The prize is awarded every three years.

Magnus Ingelman-Sundberg about his award:

– The award is based on lifelong research work and it constitutes a great recognition of the quality of the research carried out. 

The prize will be awarded at the ISSX/MDO congress in Seattle, USA on September 13, 2022.
