Over a quarter of a billion SEK for cancer research at KI

79 KI researchers have received a total of SEK 254,450,000 in grants from the Swedish Cancer Society. In addition, four Fellowship prevention grants were also awarded to researchers at KI. In total, the Swedish Cancer Society distributed SEK 850 million, which is the largest amount ever.
The research grants awarded the largest amount are:
Thomas Helleday at the Department of Oncology-Pathology receives SEK 7 500 000 for the project with the Swedish title ”Karaktärisering av DNA metabolism och reparationsproteiner som mål för nya cancerbehandlingar”.
Henrik Grönberg at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics receives SEK 6 750 000 for the project ”An outcome adaptive and randomized multi-arm biomarker driven study in patients with advanced prostate cancer”.
Jesper Lagergren at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery receives SEK 6 750 000 for the project ”Oesophageal kirurgiand gastric cancer: Improved prevention, detection and treatment”.
Arne Östman at the Department of Oncology-Pathology receives SEK 6 000 000 for the project ”Discovery and translational studies of fibroblast niches in colorectal cancer”.
Maria Masucci at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology receives SEK 6 000 000 for the project ”Molecular Mechanisms of Infection-Associated Oncogenesis: Viral Reprogramming of Cellular Functions”.
KI researchers who received the Fellowship prevention grant are:
Christine Delisle Nyström at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition receives grant for 2022-2024 (70%), for the project "Large-scale implementation of a mHealth obesity prevention program within Swedish primary child healthcare: MINISTOP 3.0".
Marike Gabrielson at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics receives grant for 2022-2024, for the project ”Individualised primary prevention of breast cancer with tamoxifen in high-risk individuals”.
Jiayao Lei at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics receives grant for 2022-2024, for the project ”Primary prevention of cervical cancer”.
Anna Plym at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics receives grant for 2022-2024, for the project ”Investigating whether a healthy lifestyle can mitigate the genetic risk of prostate cancer in Swedish and U.S. men”.
In addition, research months of three years and three months and one year and three months, respectively, were distributed to seven KI researchers.