Published: 09-08-2024 14:04 | Updated: 09-08-2024 14:05

New Sorter at the Biomedicum Flow Cytometry Core Facility at the Biomedicum Flow Cytometry Core Facility.

We are happy to announce that our new sorter, Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX SRT is now in operation. This acquisition expands our sorting capacity, allowing us to better accommodate the needs of our customers.


To meet the increasing demands of our researchers, we have acquired a new cell sorter, thanks to funds granted by KI´s Infrastructure Council.

The new sorter features four (V-B-YG-R) lasers and 14 color channels, making it useful for most sorts, from simple samples, such as those expressing fluorescent proteins to more complex antibody panels. In addition, the sorter has a side scatter parameter on the violet laser, resulting in higher sensitivity for small particles such as extracellular vesicles (EVs).

The sorter offers fast and accurate plate sorting in 96 and 384 well formats, up to 4-way tube sorting into Eppendorf, 5 ml and 15 ml tubes, and accommodates 5 ml sample tubes. This allows users to efficiently sort samples based on their specific experimental requirements, providing flexibility in downstream applications.

CytoFLEX SRT has user-friendly software and is a highly automated sorter, which will help users quickly becoming independent with the system, reducing training time. We will start training users on the system after the summer.



